Généalogie >  Forum >  deerfield

Date: 2010-01-02 08:27:00

je fait depuis maintenant plus d'un an des recherches sur Deerfield/1704 ainsi que les differents antagonistes de ces conflits dans la vallee de la Connecticut...je suis interesser a echanger des renseignements I have been doing research on the various battles and attacks on Deerfield and the surrounding towns of the CT valley during the early colonial period and I am interested in exchanging information
RE: deerfield
Date: 2010-01-07 10:16:00

RE: deerfield
Date: 2010-01-08 12:19:00

thanks for your reply, I am familiar with most of the sources on the subject, what I am looking for is people who are involved in this subject in order to exchange information, I have built a huge amount of information on the people involved in the raid on Hatfield and Deerfield in 1677, information on the raid on Pascommuck in May of 1704 along with tons of details on the actual raid on Deerfield in 1704.  What I am doing is building files on the various families of the region during this period since it does not seem that any systematic work was done in a long time on these people also, I have a special interest on the ones that remained in Quebec.
RE: deerfield
Date: 2010-02-21 20:14:00


Do you know about the book “Captors and Captives: The 1704 French and Indian Raid on Deerfield” by Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney, published in 2003 by the University of Massachusetts Press. Part of the book is on line on google books.


Note that I am one of the descendants of Josiah Rising and Abigail Nims who were captured as children during the 1704 Deerfield raid, and who married and settled in Oka Quebec.

RE: deerfield
Date: 2010-02-24 15:44:00

I am very familiar with that book and many others on the subject.  I hope that you are familiar with the Rising house in Oka which is a beauty of its style.  Let me know if you do any work on the subject or your own family
RE: deerfield
Date: 2010-04-06 21:23:00

I belong to a French-Canadian genealogical society in Connecticut and some of our members are likely to be interested in the subjects you mention.  If you want to post a query on our site, it's at www.fcgsc.org.  good luck with your research.
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