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EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-06 23:18:00


Looking for more information on EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx, born 17 Feb 1883 in Maniwaki QC, died 10 Apr 1913 in Ottawa, ON and her autochtone background. Thank you.

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-07 09:50:00


did you look in the census????

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-07 09:59:00


since her parents are named on this site

certainly this should help  to get your answer via the census

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-07 10:19:00


What do you mean by "autochtone background" ?



By the way, Renee,

her parents names are Augustin Proulx dit Clement and Zoe Meunier and they are not on the site.

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-07 10:43:00


so sorry  forgive me 

her " fiche" has her parents listed

I am looking in Wright county for the census

were they listed as Proulx or Clement??

Meunier dit Lapierre  is  an Acadian name

there is a family association for Proulx   but  I lost my contact


RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-07 15:18:00


François Preaux Martine Fermière M: 1650 Éveché de Nantes, Bretagne, France 

JEAN Preaux Marie Catherine Fleury De Vertou, Nantes, Bretagne M: le 2 mars 1699 Paroisse Notre Dame de Québec, Québec

Clément Prou Marie Placide Laviolette M: le 2 février 1737 Basilique Notre Dame, Montréal, Québec

Jean-Baptiste Proulx Marie Lafleur dit Biroleau M: le 20 octobre 1760 Paroisse St. Geneviève, Pierrefonds, Québec

Jean-Baptiste Proulx Eugénie D’Aoust M: le 17 novembre 1783 Paroisse St. Joachim, Pointe-Claire, Québec 

Hyacinthe Proulx dit Clément Marie-Rose Bonne M: le 2 mai 1814 Paroisse St. Geneviève, Pierrefonds, Québec 

Arsène Proulx dit Clément Olive Goyer dit Belisle M: le 9 novembre 1841 Paroisse St. Jean Baptiste, L`Orignal, Ontario

Augustin Proulx dit Clément Zoé Meunier M: le 21 mai 1871 Paroisse de l’Assomption, Maniwaki, Québec 

Wilfrid Clément Liza Beauchamp M: le 13 février 1899 Paroisse de l’Assomption, Maniwaki, Québec

Aristide Clément Yvonne Meunier M: le 22 avril 1924, Paroisse Notre Dame de Lourdes, Timmins, Ontario 

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-07 16:02:00


Narcisse Giroux et Edwidge Clement, marié 25 sep 1904, ND de Grace, Hull

parents: Marcel Giroux et Marie Nault

Auguste Clement et Zoé Meunier                               (...Proulx dit Clement)


RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-07 16:54:00


Authoctone background ? ...dont think so !

Histoire des Proulx dit Clermont, très intéressant !



RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-06-07 22:16:00


MERCI  Roger votre generosite est grandement apprecie

mon amie d'enfance etait  nee Proulx

 en 2017    lors de son deces j'ai contribue a la collection pour la famille  Proulx  

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-07-21 20:53:00



It's Clement not Clermont.

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-07-21 21:09:00


Hi Yves

My aunt had paperwork on her being of Alqonquin decent but unfortutenely she lost those papers when she moved (she is in her late 80's).  I contacted someone from Maniwaki Qc from Kitigan Zibi and the lady sent me an e-mail with a full history of a lineage of Algonquin decendants that are most likely linked to my great grandmother.  Unfortunetely, I have to provide more info so she can dig as much as she can to find any mention of her or her lineage.  I've learned that when an Aboriginal married a European, she/he was completely ignored in any registry therefore making it more difficult  to find any reference of them.  I have her bio-data but looking for that addiitonal piece of info that could lead to the lineageI am searching.  Fell free to ask anything else.  I appreciate your help.

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-07-21 21:33:00


I also have her brothers / sisters if that helps. 


Auguste Wilfred Clement (1876-1932), Hedwidge Proulx dit Clement (1879-1881), Félice Clement (1880-    ), Rose Clement (1886-1909), Mathias Clement (1887-1956), Edmond Clement (1889-1901), Aresteld Clement (1892-1905), Clementine Clement (1893-    ), and Corrine Clement (1895-    ).

RE: EDWIDGE Clément dit Proulx
Date: 2021-07-22 19:27:00


Hi Roger

Thanks for the link.  I find it interesting yet adds to the mystery of my lineage and possibly Aboriginal descent.  Augustin, aged 11 that is mentioned, coincides with the year my great-great grandfather was born, the father of Hedwidge. However, it states that in the 1861 census, he is listed with Hyacinthe Proulx and Marie Boon, both aged 69 and that with them is a certain named Augustin who is said to be a stranger to the family. That implies there is no family links.  The next sentence, it states the marriage of his son Arsène.  Augustin is not mentioned as his son but a stranger. Augustin is also not mentioned anywhere else in the story.  That is not convincing he is of the same lineage of the Proulx-Clement family in this link.  So this story may not be relevant to my lineage and that mine may branch away from this family starting with Augustin. Also, I have Joseph as Augustin’s father although I have not found a second reference to support this.  Just adds to the mystery of the lineage.

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