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Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-18 16:37:00


Hello everyone,

I am writing for my father who is trying to trace his family history, as he has been estranged from them most of his life. My father is older and does not use the internet but is trying to confirm a story he was told when he was very young that his family has Metis ancestry. I think he is searching for an understanding of his history and to connect to his past. His mother was Desneiges Rochon, his father Aldege Larabie,  and his grandmother on her side was Delina Rochon (nee Ethier). His great grandmother (Delina's mother) was Dina Boulard (married to Michel Ethier). He was told that Dina was Iroquois from around Maniwaki Quebec. I have found an old post that stated this as well, but haven't been able to confirm it at all.  If anyone has any information that would be wonderful. I'm not really very good at this although I am trying for him because I know it means a lot to him. Thank you everyone. 

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-18 17:26:00


Dina Boulard's file is already on this site.  Have a look :


I think there's no metis there.



RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 10:47:00


Hello Megan

being a volunteer with the local society I have heard many story like yours

and may I add the Rochon are not blonde and blue eyes people


and  in Miniwaki many  has the same claim  and " my grandma was born in a tent "

is my favorite

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 11:18:00


Thank you :) I saw that also now. 

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 11:22:00


Hello Renee,

Thank you for your response. I bet you have heard many stories. I am very new to this and it has been a confusing journey so far, but also very interesting because I knew almost nothing at all, so it feels like gaining a bit of a past at the same time. I assumed that if there was any credit to the story, it was from Dina because that's what I found on two other sites, but there was no backup so I took it with a big grain of salt. I am not sure about the Rochon family either, or if any of it is true at all to be honest. I want to try to help my dad, he's done a lot for me and it's honestly really something that he's taken an interest in this now that he is older because of how estranged the family is. I told him I can't promise any information, but I will try for him. 

Thank you for your help. 

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 12:25:00



Quebecers that have native ancestros is a widespread myth.  Read this :



RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 17:02:00


if I can help    in any way , it would be my pleasure

go to my grandfather's   index card Frechette Israel m to Guillementte

send me a message  

just click on the enveloppe

and  then  we can communicate

being a volunteer since 1982  I think help

sorry I don't publish my email

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 17:25:00


on thissite  you have the ROchon and Ethier

for the Larabie

aldege son of Anna Corrville  and his grand mother also a Courville

common thing if cousins married  often they claim ( falsely of course ) indian ancestry

don't aks why I don't have a clue......... so I am on the search already

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 17:57:00


josias Larabie ( s/o Isaie & Domitilelcourville   m 1875   on the site here

m !911 Val des Monts  on the site here

Anna Couorville d/o Louis Courville & Adeline Lachaine

I foound a site for Lachaine and Adeline was adopted


Domitile Courville d/o Jn Bpte & Domithile Lorrain......  sorry stuck here



RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 19:17:00


1911 census  wright county

anna born  sept  1899

josia born  oct  1892

lived next door

on this site they were both 12 yrs old  in 1911 when married?

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2020-10-19 22:42:00


Jean Baptiste Courville

married 3-2-1835 Ste Scholastique  Deux Montagnes

Domithile Lorrain( Laurin)

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2023-12-22 11:41:00



Yes we do have Native ancestry through this line. Many Quebecers are racist and/or do not want to admit to their Native ancestors because of generations of shaming. Sad that it continues into the future. 
Quebec Metis are not officially recognized by the federal government,-Metis/Indigenous politics in general have definitely politicized identity. 

RE: Help with Dina Boulard (Married Michel Ethier)
Date: 2023-12-22 16:02:00


2020-10 19  -  =    2023  12 22   ????  j'espere que ma reponse est arrivee entre  temps  merci

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