Looking for information on my paternal grandmother
Date: 2020-07-24 22:38:00
I am searching for any information on Monique Pelletier born on 6/3/1919 to Hilaire and Josephine Pelletier. Monique married Gerard Halle on 10/23/1941. Monique and Gerard had 2 children Lionel and Kathlene. Something happened between Monique and Gerard which remains unknown. Lionel, who is my father, met Gerard for the first and only time back in the 1980's and Gerard told him that when he came back from the war Monique was to meet him, but she never showed up and he was not able to ever find her. Monique had two more children, Ronald and Suzanne with a man with the surname of Meunier. After Monique met Mr. Meunier, at some point Lionel was sent to Mount St. Antoine boys home and was taken in by Brother Delphine. Lionel was around age 7-8. Monique died on 10/28/1953 in Montreal. When
Monique was dying, she asked to see Lionel but unfortunately she passed before he arrived. I was told that Monique died of lung cancer, but I cannot find any info/documentation about her death or where she is buried. Monique's sister Martha Pelletier (m. Archibald), went to Canada and brought Lionel, Ronald and Suzanne back to the US to Florida. Martha and her husband adopted Ronald and Suzanne.
Monique had several siblings-Aline, Helena, Paul, Martha, Henri and Alma and half siblings-Jean Baptiste, Helene and Edame.
I know this is alot, but I am hoping someone will recognize names or something.