Généalogie >  Forum >  Jacques LaBourliere dit Laplante

Jacques LaBourliere dit Laplante
Date: 2018-11-08 10:57:00


HI i'm seeking information on Jacques LaBourliere dit Laplante 1650 born in France death 1730 Canda his wife is 

Catherine Francoise Parenteau dit Ferrande born 1645 in France death 1750 Canada  Thank you  Ann Roy / Rathmell out of the USA if anyone needing help with  find poeple on the east coast let me know at ladyhawk3883@yahoo.com thanks all

RE: Jacques LaBourliere dit Laplante
Date: 2018-11-08 15:33:00


Where did you get that Jacques Labourliere and Francoise Ferrande died in Canada ?

Their son Jean-Baptiste came in Nouvelle-France as a soldier of "la compagnie de Sieur de St-Jean".  He declared at his marriage ( february 1697, parish St-Pierre, Ile dOrleans, Quebec ) that his parents were residents of the parish St-André in the town of Niort, France. 



RE: Jacques LaBourliere dit Laplante
Date: 2018-11-08 17:16:00


thank you  but i'm seeking there names and more information about them it's part of my family.  If anyone needs information from some place on the east coast  I can help there Ann

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