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Sauve dit La Plante, Dosethee Josephine b. 1805 Canada 1860 MI
Date: 2018-07-04 16:41:00


I am looking for Dosethee Josephine Sauve dit LaPlante b. 1805 possibly Ontario, Canada m.1823 Ca. to Jean Baptiste Bonneau b. 1769-1880 they migrated to Saulte Ste Marie, Chippewa Co. MI at the time of their marriage. the story of this jean baptiste is a mixed up one. but he is from Kamouraska, QC Mother M. Judith Miville & a JB Bonneau from France abt 1727 J B b. 1760 - 1880 is verified by a son and another doc he lived to be 106 and 109. Thus the confusion.

His son JB b. 1832 Obit states his parents and dob. 


I found in Chippewa co. Mi what I thought was Dosethee's parents as her grandfather lived with them in 1850 Census Joseph Bisbois or Bisebois age 90. Wife Ploffe  they had a dau. Hypobyle who married Louis Savue dit La Plante. But I found at least 2 Hypobyle Bisebois and Louis Sauve dit LaPlante in Drouin. And noone claims Dosethee b. 1805 as a daughter.


I found a Dosethee J. Sauve dit LaPlante b. 1823 in Ontario but too young for her to start having children in 1825 when ours and JB had started a family in Chippewa Co. MI. 


Now with Jean Baptiste Bonneau b. 1769 Kamouraska, QC they have him with the wrong father, wrong wives dies in 1849 in QC and I have only found it correct once with his mother M Judith Miville who never married the JB from France yet they had 5 children together. Her father was Pierre-Rene Miville dit Deschenes .1706


Thanks for any info on Dosethee and the correct Hypobyle Brisebois.   Anita Moore Austin



RE: Sauve dit La Plante, Dosethee Josephine b. 1805 Canada 1860 MI
Date: 2018-07-06 09:47:00


sorry    but  most parishes in Ontario do not have  any records before 1820

along the Ottawa River

RE: Sauve dit La Plante, Dosethee Josephine b. 1805 Canada 1860 MI
Date: 2018-07-06 18:57:00


I no parishes recorded before 1820 how about her marriage in 1823 18 June? It is to Jean Baptiste Bonneau b. 1769 Kamouraska, QC. I do not know where in Ontario it took place I sure appreciate the help tracking her down. Anita Moore Austin

RE: Sauve dit La Plante, Dosethee Josephine b. 1805 Canada 1860 MI
Date: 2018-07-06 20:27:00


you sdlrf fpr her bithy


Jean Bptistr botn 1769 amd Dosithee 1805 quite a difference

on rootsweb world connect they have 10 children at least on a message board no one since 2012 have found the marriage

many are  still  looking for it


RE: Sauve dit La Plante, Dosethee Josephine b. 1805 Canada 1860 MI
Date: 2018-07-08 01:16:00


Thanks, I appreciate the responses. I will give it up. Yes it is quite an age difference but it happened. They may have not married at all.  She is 36 yrs younger. I believe he married 3 times.  He lived to be 109 so I guess you would go thru a few wives. 

RE: Sauve dit La Plante, Dosethee Josephine b. 1805 Canada 1860 MI
Date: 2018-07-08 07:19:00


your story   is quite unique in all he years  I have been a volunteer  with the society                                                                    this is a new one   it could be they never married as  you mention                                                                                   sounds like my grandmother's death never to be found  






RE: Sauve dit La Plante, Dosethee Josephine b. 1805 Canada 1860 MI
Date: 2018-07-08 18:34:00


Thanks Rene for everything. Some things will never be uncovered due to floods, fires in court houses, & parishes etc...We just gotta live with it. I did find Dosethee's parents with the birth of the first daughter but not Dosethee. Well we tried. Thanks, Anita Moore Austin

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