RE: McDonell Families on Pearl 1773 to NY resettled Upper Canada UE
Date: 2017-09-13 02:35:00
Dear sir,
I have found many informations for you on your family from the PRDH.
Your ancestors, Daniel MacDonell, son of Jean (as it is written) MacDonell and Catherine MacDonell. Daniel was 21 years old when he died on August 26 1781. He was buried on August 28, 1781 at the Basilica Notre-Dame-de-Montréal. It is said that Jean was a captain of 'grenadiers' (grenadier is like a soldier) in the royal regiment of Nova Scotia.
Alexander (it is written Alexandre) McDonell, son of Jean McDonell and Catherine McDonell, was married with Genny Cameron on January 24th 1765 at Les Cèdres, in the province of Québec. Genny was from St-François, in the province of Québec. Jean Cameron and Marie Cameron were the parents of Genny. It is said they got 'a dispense de trois bans' from the church because they were closely related.
On July 20th 1785, Catherine McDonell, wife of Jean McDonell, died at 47 years old. Catherine was buried on July 22th 1785. It is said Jran McDonell was captain of the royal regiment of New York (Nouvelle York in the text).
On January 10th 1791, Jean MacDonell (as it is written) got married with Catherine MacDonell. Jean was living in Montreal at Notre-Dame-de-Montréal but he was from Lancaster on the Grape's river. Jean was 22 years old and Catherine 18 years old. Catherine was also living in Montreal and came from also Lancaster on grape's river. The father of Jean was Daniel MacDonell snd the mother Catherine Macmillon. The father of Catherine MacDonell, wife of Jean MacDonell, was Angus MacDonell and Marie MacDonell. The couple got 'a dispense de deux bans' because they were closely related.
On August 10th 1795, Jean MacDonell got married with Marguerite MacDonell. Jean eas 25 years old and Marguerite years old. Jean was from Glengary. Marguerite was living in Montreal (Notre-Dame-de-Montréal) and she was also from Glengary, Ontario.
Jean MacDonell was the father of the preceeding Jean and Catherine MacDonell, her mother. Donald MacDonell and Catherine MacDonell were the parents of Marguerite. The young couple got a 'dispense de deux bans' because they were related.
On March 22th 1813, Ignace MacDonell was born at Montreal and he got baptized on March 23th 1813 at basilica Notre-Dame-de-Montréal. Ignace was the son of John MacDonell and Catherine MacDonell. John was a laborer.
Catherine MacDonald, the wife of Jean-Baptiste, died at 43 years old on March 3th 1813. She was buried on April 1th 1813 at Montreal, basilica Notre-Dame-de-Montréal). Jean-Baptiste MacDonald was a day laborer (journalier).
Ignace MacDonald died on August 2th 1813 at Montreal and was buried on August 3th 1813 at Montréal (basilica Notre-Dame-de-Montréal). The parents were John MacDonell and Catherine MacDonell. Ignacew was 4 month years old. It is sais, John MacDonell was a laborer.
On November 16th 1818, Joseph Valade were married with Mary MacDonald, the daughter of John MacDonald and Catherine MacDonald. John and Catherine were living at St Raphael's Ontario. The parents of Jean Valade were Jean Valade and Catherine Belair. Jean and Catherine were living in Montreal. Jean Valade, son, was a cooper.
Donald McDonald got married with Anne McDonald on July 14th 1831 at Montreal, basilica Notre-Dame-de-Montréal. The spouses were living in Montreal. The parents of Donald were Donald McDonald and Mary McMillan, from Scotia. Donald was a farmer from Scotia. The parents of Anne MacDonald were John MacDonald and Catherine McDonald. John MacDonald, father of Anne, was also a farmer, but he was residing in Glengarry, Ontario. Catherine MacDonald, his wife, was also living there. It is said on data in Scotia (Invernes-Shire), Anne MacDonald could have possibly signed Nancy MacDonald.
On January 22th 1834, John McDonald got married with Catherine McDonell. John was cames from St-Polycarpe and Catherine cames from Montreal. The parents of John McDonell were Duncan McDonell and Mary Kennedy. The spouses were come from Glengarry, Ontario. Duncan was a farmer.
On March 17th 1839, John MacDonald and Catherine got a child, John. The both spouses came from St-Polycarpe. Catherine McDonald, the mother of John McDonald was alone. John McDonald, her spouse, was not there.
On September 23th 1845, Titus Jacob Webb got married with Catherine McDonald. Catherine cames from Montreal, but we don't know Titus Jacon Webb cames from. Titus was a shoemaker. John MacDonald, the father of Catherine McDonald, was also a farmer but he was living in Glengarry, Ontario as Catherine, his wIfe, was. The act of marriage mentioned the presence of Barbara Young as a wife of Titus Jacob Webb. Barbara Young came from Montreal.
On February 19th 1846, Mary McDonell was born at Chapeau from John McDonell and Catherine McDonell. The baby were baptized on March, 2th 1846.
On June, 21th 1846, Canut McDonald was born from John McDonald and Catherine McDonald. The baby were baptized on July 23th 1846. It is written the baptism was done in the Mission d'Alexandria in Upper Canada.
Good research ! The data comes from the Lafrance databse in the PRDH.