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Parish records
Date: 2017-08-07 22:27:00


Hello - so I don't read French very well, and I did not grow up in the Catholic church.  Can someone, s'il vous plait, explain the format of the parish records for births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, etc?  What the notations are on the left, etc? Sorry if there's an FAQ, I'm not seeing it (although if there is, please link it). Merci!

RE: Parish records
Date: 2017-08-07 22:45:00


notarions on the left


S= Funeral


the number is the sequence for the year of each event

the usual  on this day ( date)  born the previous day usually .... we baptized Joseph son of  John and his wife Mary

present were the godparents  and   if  did not know how to sign so  lecture was done

marriage pretty well same order except when there is a special dispense by the bishop makes for a really confusing

item  also withnesses are mentionned

funeral ,   widow of and withnesses

I hope this helps

RE: Parish records
Date: 2017-08-08 20:11:00


if you need help with translation....  just let me know

RE: Parish records
Date: 2017-08-08 22:38:00


Thanks - the info is definitely helpful. Google translate works well, although the writing is, well, interesting, so just trying to figure out what the word is at all is more of a step than even translating!  That's part of the charm of the hunt though!   I'll let you know if I do need anything! 

RE: Parish records
Date: 2017-08-09 08:29:00


good  hunting      thanks anytime ,   it also helps when they put water in the ink and it is so pale you have to guess                                             the words  in marriages  after  the banns were published or a dispense on banns also they often include " of this parrish" or if the groom is  from another parrish  it states the banns were published there  also





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