RE: Joseph Tourigny-Deshaies and Elizabeth Binette
Date: 2017-07-16 15:15:00
Well, looks like Oscar was born Josaph Horace Oscar April 21, 1918 in Verner, Ontario (, with parents Joseph Tourigny of St. Norbert, Arthabaska County, and Elisabeth Binette of Lac Halifax, Megantic County.
There's a Joseph Horace Oscar Tourigny born August 16, 1888 and baptized the next day in St. Norbert, Arthabaska County (, the son of Alfred Tourigny and what looks like Rosanne, but can't really make out the last name on the baptism record.
There's a marriage for Joseph Horace Oscar Tourigny and an Elizabeth Binette on October 17, 1911 in St. Norbert, Arthabaska County, Quebec ( Joseph's parents being Alfred Tourigny and Rosanna Hould (not sure about that last letter). Elisabeths parents being Saul Binette (priest misspelled, but fortunately he signed) and Melanie Leblanc.
You can swap out the domain with or depending on whatever version of ancestry you might have access to. You might also be able to look up the Quebec records on FamilySearch provided the dates and whether they have that available on FamilySearch.