John "Jean-Baptiste" Smith et Louise Charlotte Taché
Date: 2017-05-20 18:26:00
Je cherche des preuves d'affiliation de John Smith avec le 78e Fraser Highlanders. Je cherche une preuve d'affiliation avec la North-West Company (ou la Hudson Bay Company). Aussi, je cherche les mortes de tous les deux John Smith et Louise Charlotte Taché.
John Smith était de Legerwood, Écosse. Il était probablement dans le 78e Fraser Highlanders. Après la guerre de sept ans, il épouse Louise Charlotte Taché, 22 novembre 1763 à Notre Dame de Québec. John Smith est un nom commun. Cependant, il existe une signature de John Smith dans le registre pour mariage.
Leurs enfants connus:
- Elisabeth Marguerite
- Charlotte
- Pierre
- ?Antoine
- Louis Joseph
- Louis Charles
- Guillaume
- Marie Elizabeth
- Marie Angelique
- Jean
C'est possible il y a un deuxieme mariage avec John Smith et quelqu'un a appelé Elizabeth. Si John Smith est présumé mort en 1790, il est possible qu'il soit déjà un voyageur. Aussi, je pense l'acte tutelage de François et Marie Elizabeth
pourrait fournir plus d'informations.
En anglais, ma langue:
I am looking for evidence of affiliation for John Smith with the 78th Fraser Highlanders. I am looking for evidence of the affilliation of John Smith with the North-West Company (likely), or the Hudson Bay Company. Also, I am looking for the deaths of both John Smith and Louise Charlotte Taché.
John Smith was from Legerwood, Scotland. He was probably in the 78th Fraser Highlanders. After the Seven Years War (called the French and Indian War in the United States), he married Louise Charlotte Taché, November 22, 1763 at Notre Dame de Quebec (Quebec City). John Smith is a common name. However, his signature exists on the marriage register.
Their known children:
- Elisabeth Marguerite
- Baptism at St. Francois du Lac, January 27, 1765 (John Smith signs)
- Charlotte
- Possible Baptism at St. Francois du Lac, December 24, 1768
- Marriage at Verchères, February 15, 1790 with François Lalüe dit Lamontagne (the late* John Smith, deceased Charlotte Tachet)
- Enterrement at Verchères, February 6, 1854
- Pierre
- Baptism at St. Francois du Lac, September 11, 1770 (John Smith signs)?
- Antoine
- Baptism at St. Francois du Lac, January 6, 1772 (John Smith signs)
- Louis Joseph
- Baptism at Immaculée Conception (Immaculate Conception), Trois-Rivières, November 28, 1773 (John Smith signs)
- Marriage at Baie du Febvre, February 29, 1808 with Magdeleine Robida (the late John Smith, deceased Elizabeth Tachette)
- Louis Charles
- Baptism and Enterrement at Notre Dame de Montréal, the 12th and 17th (respectively) of July, 1775
- Guillaume
- Baptism at Notre Dame de Montréal, March 16, 1778 (John Smith signs)
- Marriage at Baie du Febvre, July 8, 1805 with Élizabeth Côté (child of the age of majority of John Smith and Elizabeth Tachette, not written "the late", not written "the deceased")
- Second marriage at Baie du Febvre, February 14, 1831 with Catherine Arelle
- Enterrement at Baie du Febvre, August 10, 1835
- Marie Elizabeth
- Baptism at Notre Dame de Montréal, February 12, 1780 (John Smith signs)
- Marriage at Verchères, February 10, 1800 with Francois Gagnier (John Smith is presently a merchant voyageur in Upper Canada, Charlotte Tachete is deceased)
- Francois Lamontagne, husband of Charlotte, is the guardian of Marie Elizabeth
- John Smith is presumed dead at the marriage of François et Charlotte, around ten years earlier
- Enterrement at Lachine, June 14, 1811
- Marie Angelique
- Baptism at Notre Dame de Montréal, September 21, 1782
- Enterrement at Point aux Trembles, August 14, 1793
- Metivier est le nom de sa grandmère maternelle
- Jean
- Enterrement at Notre Dame de Montréal, October 7, 1782
- Someone thinks he was baptized Claude Smith
It's possible that there was a second marriage with John Smith and someone named Elizabeth. If John Smith was presumed dead in 1790, it's possible he was already a voyageur. Also, I think the act of guardianship of Francois and Marie Elizabeth could provide more information.