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Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 13:22:00


Pardon mon Anglais... I'm from Toronto, but lose my French living in the western USA 15 years. A writer, editor and descendant, I'm especially interesting in adding to the Denys (Denis) lines. 

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 16:19:00


What is the name of your grand-parents Denis ?  Wich are your last ascetors that got married in Quebec ( parents, grand-parents, great-grand-parents ) ?


RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 16:51:00


Salut, Yves

I'm not sure on the last, but these would be close... 

My last Denis ancestor born in Quebec is probably Louis (1675)...

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 16:59:00


Was cut off there ^ 

Last ancestors married in Quebec may be... Laura Charpentier (1831) and Paul Currier.  (I have yet to discover whether he's really Currier or Carrier, or something else.) They married 27 Oct 1851 in St. Francois du Lac, Yamaska County, Quebec.

...Last Denys born in Quebec... Louis Denis: http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/GenealogieQuebec.aspx?pid=88217

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 17:20:00


What do you mean by " want to add Denys lines " ?  



RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 17:23:00


The names  are  Paul Cayer ( pronounce K Yay ) and Aurée ( O Ray ) Charpentier.



RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 17:26:00


There's a box above ^ "Add a new person" to, apparently, allow for the adding of offspring and ancestors. I imagine that is why most people join.  The Denys line has many Canadian descendants.  Why do you ask, and may I know who is asking, SVP?

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 17:37:00


Are you sure... may I know the source you have that from, SVP?

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 17:50:00


You are quite correct, Yves.. I even see it now in the family records... "AKAs Paul Cayer" in tiny print. I hadn't looked to fill in this branch at all yet, and offered them as the most recent seeming Quebec marriage date, as asked. You've sure sparked interest, though. Are you a cousin? How did you know?

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 17:51:00


I'm a long time contributor on this site.  You're right, everyone can add a person.  But you'll be block for entries before 1875 unless you communicate with the administrators of the site to list your sources.

Here's Paul Cayer's mariage act ( on of my sources ) :  https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-8993-CHJV?i=155&wc=9RLD-C6J%3A20758901%2C20758902%2C22539901%3Fcc%3D1321742&cc=1321742

The priest wrote Cahier but the standardized spelling is Cayer.


RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 18:08:00


I'm not a cousin, just a person that can help you to add lines.  I suggest you add your line ( yourself, your parents, your grandparents ) and If you are blocked, this forum is the place for asking for help. 

I like this site because it's "one" ancestor tree.  There's one, and only one, file for a person.  When you create a file, you're the owner of the file.  If somebody will add infos about this person, he will have to send you a message with these infos.  Then you'll update the file.  


RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 18:22:00


Thank you so much for the impromptu orientation. (I'll pursue further at the weekend. Duty calls.) I found this just now, on another site... yet written by the genealogy researcher who made a family site where I first encountered my ancestors... Thank you for leading me to find it!   I'm not sure why she has not updated it on the site she researched... I must check on her. Merci, Yves.

"Helen Vaillancourt: Had another breakthrough re our Laura Charpentier Currier when I was in Ottawa and Gatineau last week. My finds there plus some help from a friend got it all straightened out. She was baptised Marie-Auree Charpentier Dec 12, 1831 in Baie de Febvre, Yamaska County..same parish as her father Jean Baptiste Charpentier had been in 1804. Her mom, Josephte Boudreau had been baptised in Nicolet in 1811. When Laura (Marie-Auree) was married in 1851 to Paul Currier( actually Cayer and even Cahier)), the priest said her name was Auree ( I thought it was a poor transcription but when I saw the actual parish register, I saw my error) I still haven't found Paul Cahier/Currier's c.1831 baptism..certainly the Sherbrooke parishes don't start until 1834 and a look at them didn't reveal any Cahiers etc at all and I did find his parents marriage in Baie de Febvre. I have found a parish near Sherbrook..Stanstead Plain..that starts in 1826 so I've ordered in that parish just to put this search to rest!! Looks like when Auree and Paul got to Ontario, their names evolved to Laura and Currier."

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 18:47:00


Paul Cayer was baptized on January 30 1832.  As stated in the act, he was 16 months old.  

Act B24 :  https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G993-ZWGK?i=239&wc=9RLD-RM7%3A13688901%2C13688902%2C15329101%3Fcc%3D1321742&cc=1321742


RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 19:59:00


Merci, bin.  You are a find!  Got anything rare on Drummond Island voyageurs named Croteau, by chance? Let me know if there's something you seek, too... never know.

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 20:02:00


PS  How do you know you're not my cousin... I've encountered few French Canadians who are not, truth be told. I descent from many old lines... I'm guessing you do, too.

RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2016-10-12 20:44:00


Well, maybe we are great ( 6 or 7 times great ) cousins.  But after 5, we are related, but cousin ????

The French says : nos cousins Québécois.  We'll have to see.


RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2019-12-21 11:05:00


Hello. Laura Nora Charpentier and Paul Currier. Their Daughter is Sarah Currier who Married Joseph Leduc

Joseph Leduc and Sarah had Children of their Own. Clara Leduc is my Great Grandmother. She Married Wilbert Carpenter. She had a Twin Sister named Bertha Leduc who Married William Laflamme. They Had an older sister named Laura May Leduc who Married Napoleon Charron, and she Passed in 1942. They also had a Brother Joseph . 

Clara and Wilbert had 2 sons. Clarence Oliver Carpenter, and my Grandfather Paul Verdun Carpenter. 

Paul and his Wife Pauline are my Grandparents. 


Matthew Britton, Chateauguay Quebec. 


RE: Bon Jour
Date: 2019-12-21 11:11:00




Je suis La Famille avec Charles François Denys de la Ronde, et sa femme Madeleine Pewadjinowokwe (Femme Huronne)

Laura Nora Charpentier et Paul Currier sont mes 3ieme arriere Grandparents. 

Leur fille s'appelle Sarah Currier, et elle a Mariée Joseph Leduc. Ils sont mes 2ieme Arriere grandparents. Leur fille Clara Leduc est mon arriere grandmere, son Fils Paul Carpenter mon Grandpere. Matthew Britton, Chateauguay Quebec. 


Hello, my Name is Matthew Britton and i am Direct Family with Charles François Denys De La ronde. 

Im also family of Laura Charpentier and Paul Currier, their Daughter Sarah Currier and her husband Joseph Leduc , their Daughter Clara Leduc who is my Great Grandmother, and her Son Paul Carpenter, My Grandfather. 



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