looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2015-12-30 20:32:00
Hi I am quite new to this website but looking for any old photos of this couple. Theodore Hebert born January 20 1850 son of Fabien Hebert and Gertrude Bourgeois of NB. Antoinette Roy born January 25 1859 daughter of Pierre Roy and Domithilde Caissie of NB. Any help would be appreciated and if any pictures from any of this decendant is also good to have for my family tree. Thank you Geogirl.
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-01 07:24:00
Hi, there. Antoinette Roy and Theodore Hebert are my great, great grandparents. Although I can't provide to you photos of them I can provide you with the wedding picture of my great grandparents - their daughter Marie Rose Hebert called "Alice" by her family, or "Rose-Alice", and her husband Alderic (Eric) Cormier. If you're looking to expand further than that I can then provide you photos of their children, my grandparents, and so on.. Thanks
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-01 19:50:00
Can you send me the names of your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents along with the pictures that you have mentioned. Also where are you from ? I do have someone with the name Alice but trying to fit this all in with the informations.
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-03 07:16:00
Descending from Antoinette Roy and Theodore Hebert, came Rose Alice Hebert (Marie rose on her wedding certificate) married to Alderic (Eric) Cormier. Their children were Regina, Laurie, aurele, Exelda (Dot), Clarice (Gladys), Edna, Leona, and Lionel Cormier. My grandmother Leona Cormier married Aurele Colllette . Their children together were Joanne (Johnson ,) Gisele (Arseneau,) robert, Denise (spencer,) and Monique. My grandmother Leona also had a daughter out of wedlock who , shortly after her birth was raised by Leona's sister Edna Surette named Dian. She has no birth certificate and my grandmother did not remember the false name she used at the hospital at the time of her birth to find it. Her biological fathers name is unknown. My mother is Denise Collette who married Tom Soencer. I am Danica and my sister is Brittany. As far as photos, I can probably scrounge up photos of Alice Hebert and Eric Cormier onward.
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-03 20:33:00
Hi Danica
I gathered all informations to try to make sense. Can you tell me where your mother lived when she was young ?
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-03 20:41:00
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-03 20:42:00
Do you have old photos from your research?
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-03 20:55:00
I have photos of my parents, my fathers parents, my mothers father( I think).
Moncton ! Hmmm, Where in Moncton exactly?
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 19:18:00
Hi Danica
It`s been a while of our last chat. You mentioned that your mom lived in Moncton. I am originally from Moncton as well. I used to live on Spruce St. Could this be the same area your mom is from ?
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 19:28:00
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 19:32:00
When alice hebert moved from st marie to Moncton after alderic Cormier died (her husband) she lived somewhere in parkton, and from there my grandmother Leona met my grandfather whose family lived on spruce.
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 19:36:00
I don`t wanna be too nosy but how old would be your mom? I have many sisters and just maybe she would know them.
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 20:03:00
I know it`s this might sound strange but I would like for us to stay in contact with each other with informations and we are I think family related. I`m just trying to figure out where and from which line of generation of grand fathers. We can keep in contact through our own emails address to each other.
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 20:13:00
What is your email, charline? And who are your sisters and what are their names?
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 20:19:00
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 21:05:00
My sisters are Louise, Christine, Jeanne, Janice, Muriel, Claudia and I ( the yougest)
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-10 21:16:00
And ``Richard`` was the family last name.
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-19 19:15:00
Hi charline, was wondering if you received my emails? Thanks
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-21 12:39:00
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-23 21:56:00
Hi Danica
I have forward what I originally sent you. Let me know if you have received it.
RE: looking for photos of theodore hebert m. antoinette roy
Date: 2016-02-28 21:40:00
I have resent information because I think you still haven`t received it. Maybe you can give me the email to send the information in case I got it wrong again.