Généalogie >  Forum >  Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli

Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-10-29 23:57:00


Looking for more information on Jacob Schmidt born 1730-1799, and his wife Suzanne Wehrli born 1736-1781. Looking for their parents and so on. Thanks!!

RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-10-30 17:48:00


was the marriage in the  province of Quebec??

RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-10-30 19:10:00


Yes it was. Their information on here stops at Jacob and Suzanne and not able to find any thing further!

RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-10-30 19:30:00


Please , a reference point,  date and location of known marriage

would be helpful


RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-10-30 19:43:00


on geneanet (  in German of course )

11 children listed     and no parents for the couple

may be contacting the contributor would be the solution


RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-10-31 15:10:00


Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Werlay were married bef. 1756 in Switzerland either in Bern or Zurich. 

Jacob Schimdt was born. c. 1732 in or near Zurich, Switzerland. Died Nov. 15, 1799 in Hotel-Dieu, Québec City (buried Nov 17).

Suzane Werlay born c. 1736 in or near Bern, Switzerland. Died March 3, 1781 in Les Cèdres (St-Joseph-de-Soulanges), Qc (buried March 5).

Jacob Schmidt renounced his protestant faith Sept. 9, 1756 (Quebec Archibshop registers).

Nothing known about their immigration in Canada.


RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-10-31 15:31:00


Thank you Dominique, I do have that information. What I would like to find is the parents of Jacob, and the parents of Suzanne. There doesn't seem to be any information on them!!

RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-11-02 22:37:00


Information sur fichier origine:

SCHMIDT, Johann Jakob 243767

Statut Marié
Date de naissance 25-12-1748
Lieu d'origine Bellersdorf, comté de Solms-Braunfels (Allemagne) 99109
Parents Georg Conrad et Marie Elisabeth ?
Métier du père Instituteur
Première mention au pays 1783
Occupation à l'arrivée Soldat du Hesse-Hanau, régiment Erprinz
Date de mariage 22-06-1787
Lieu du mariage Montréal (Christ Church)
Conjoint Catherine Pingle
Remarques Son épouse est issue d'une famille loyaliste américaine installée à Terrebonne.
Identification Non répertorié
Chercheur(s) Dorothy O'Shaughnessy
Référence Schmidt, Johann Jakob - Pingle, Catherine, Shawinigan-Sud, 1998
Date de modification 2011-07-25

RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-11-02 22:38:00


Sorry, this is not the same as the one you requested but maybe is related.

RE: Jacob Schmidt and Suzanne Wehrli
Date: 2015-11-03 15:40:00



le patronyme Schmidt est aussi commun dans le monde germanique que celui de Tremblay l'est ici. Il est hasardeux de publier des informations en concluant que les deux Jacob Schmidt « pourraient être parents » sur la seule foi qu'ils portent le même nom.

The name Schmidt is as common in the german world than the name Tremblay is here. Posting information suggesting that both Jacob Schmidt « might be related » is not really helpful.



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