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Searching for French Roots.
Date: 2015-09-25 14:45:00


My surname is "Boyte". I have searched for decades for documentation of my European origins without success. I can "walk back" to Virginia in 1680 where two brothers apparently magically appeared, but have been unable to work back any further. I would very interested in beginning a dialogue with anyone with knowledge of the ancestry of Boyte families in Canada. Please excuse my lack of "Francais". Although born in Louisiana, I have forgotten almost all of the "French" I knew as a child. Your kind consideration will be greatly appreciated. Regards, J Boyte

RE: Searching for French Roots.
Date: 2015-09-25 22:00:00


someone has entered  Benjamin Boyte b.circa 1782 s/o Robert & Sara Redford

by clicking on the envelope you can send a message to the "owner" of the entry

in 30yrs of volunteering with the local society I never came across the name

but I do have  many unique stories concerning  names  with no connection

either ficticious or oterwise unknown

sorry, good luck


RE: Searching for French Roots.
Date: 2015-09-26 09:34:00


Thank you so much. I'll follow up. Have a splendid day. Kindest Regards, jb

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