Jean Baptiste Alphonse Boucher dit Morency
Date: 2014-01-04 12:22:00

william edward
I am trying to find out all that I can about my great grandfather's history. He went by Alphonse Morency but was quite proud to tell us about this great name that he came from and how we should know the blood we inherited. There was a Morency Association that did try to convice my grandmother Dorothy Mary Morency to join and they had periodical magazines and they also had access to books that could tell her all about her background. For one reason or another she never joined and has since passed away in 1999. I have a few of the old magazines and I am doing my best to inform my children of their background so that they can now pass it on to their own children. If anyone knows if this or any other Morency association exists please contact me at
Now that being said, Jean Baptiste Alphonse Boucher dit Morency was born on 25 Apr 1885 the son of Jerome Morency born 21 Oct 1842 son of Julien 20 Dec 1806 the son of Basile Baucher born 14 Nov 1772 son of Augustin Baucher 11 Feb 1740 the son of Basile Baucher 17 May 1711 the son of Joseph Baucher 14 Mar 1677 the son of Guillaume Baucher dit Morency et Montmorency born 30 Oct 1630 the son of Antoine Baucher born 1596 - 1658.
I am trying to research through Tanguay's Dictionary and but would like to know if there are any books targeted at these pioneers.
Now Jean Baptiste Alphonse Boucher dit Morency does not show in this database as the son of Jerome Boucher dit Morency but I have the birth registration and the schedule A, and I also have had him tell me many times when I was young who his father was. If you look at the 1901 census canada for Ontario 110 Renfrew North Pembroke. Line 23 is Morency Jerome Line 24 is his wife Azelie , Line 25 is Rose, Line 26 is Alphonse, Line 27 is Regina, Line 28 is Eveline, Line 29 is Alice and 30 is Omer. Omer is someone I also knew growing up.
I know the Y chromosome was passed on through his sons Ernie and Bill Morency I am from my Grandmother side, Alphonse's daughter. So I guess I am interested in all things Morency.
RE: Jean Baptiste Alphonse Boucher dit Morency
Date: 2014-01-04 13:25:00

Marie Therese
== Je crois que votre Patronyme est plutôt '' Baucher/Morency '' ...pourriez vous mettre le nom de la femme de Jean Baptiste ?...// Marie Therese
RE: Jean Baptiste Alphonse Boucher dit Morency
Date: 2014-01-05 13:03:00

william edward
D'abord, permettez-moi de m'excuser pour répondait en anglais ça fait si longtemps que je n'ai apprécié l'occasion. D'abord, je suis d'accord, il devrait être Baucher, par opposition à Beaucher mais il a changé physiquement dans le baptism certificats. par exemple Jérôme Beaucher / Baucher dit Morency a été orthographié Isrome. Azellie Martel (l'épouse de Jérôme) a été orthographié yellie en 1901 ou 1911 ne sais pas lequel. je vais ajouter le nom de la spouses.
je vous remercie beaucoup d'avoir répondu à mon message. Je suis tellement intéressé à l'histoire du nom de transmettre à mes enfants la culture qu'ils ont perdu. et l'histoire de trois pistoles et Ile-Famille.
Thank you Bill
RE: Jean Baptiste Alphonse Boucher dit Morency
Date: 2014-01-05 19:43:00

Marie Therese
Bonsoir avez vous le nom de l.épouse de Jean Baptiate ? // Marie Therese