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Movies from Sept. 17 - 28, 1932
Date: 2013-03-11 21:14:00

Hello- I am looking for descendants of the Sigouin brothers who operated a camp/guide service at Lake Choiseul in the 1930's about 300 miles Northwest of Monteral. Besides the Sigouin brothers I am also looking for members of the Xavier Danian family. This was a Native family who lived and worked near or on the Sigouin brothers Head Camp. Thank You.
RE: Movies from Sept. 17 - 28, 1932
Date: 2013-03-12 20:40:00

Your question is not specific enough.

There are many families Sigouin in the province of Quebec

You are looking for the Sigouin brothers but which ones?

Should also check the real name of the lake you are referring

Try to find the name on a map of the lake and write his name in the right way.
RE: Movies from Sept. 17 - 28, 1932
Date: 2013-03-12 22:05:00

Le nom du lac est bon.  C'est situé dans la région de Senneterre au Québec.
En fait, le lac est situé environ à mi-chemin entre Senneterre et le Réservoir Gouin.

RE: Movies from Sept. 17 - 28, 1932
Date: 2013-03-12 22:44:00

Hello Chris,
Seems like your camp site is still operated by the Sigouin's (Frank Sigouin and Jean Sigouin),
perhaps not the brothers you refer to, but you have a phone number where you can
reach the current owners.
Good luck !


RE: Movies from Sept. 17 - 28, 1932
Date: 2013-03-12 23:33:00


Merci Yves

Pour ce qui est des Sigouin que Roger nomme ce n'est pas une certitude que ce soient les bons

Cette personne devrait dire qui elle recherche vraiment

Elle ne connait même pas le nom de ces gens ou du moins elle ne les nomme pas




RE: Movies from Sept. 17 - 28, 1932
Date: 2013-03-13 21:39:00


Thanks to all for responding to my query.

I am a member of the board of the Lewis County Historical Society in Lowville, NY. We have in our possession movies that were donated by a family named Fisher.  I am now putting these movies on You Tube. There is a segment in the movie where members of the Fisher family are hunting moose around Lake Choiseul with the Sigouin brothers being their guides. (I should have also mentioned in the query that Eli Sigouin is one of the brothers.) That hunting trip was from Sept. 17-28, 1932.

My hope is that family members today will be able to see their relatives from 81 years ago. If you would like to view these films for yourself, here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/user/lewishistory13367?feature=mhee       The part of the movie with the Quebec trip begins at approximately 25:40 on Part 2 of Fisher Family Estate Films. The Quebec part of the film continues on Part 3 for a little over seven minutes.

Thank you once again and hopefully the members of the Sigouin and Danian families will be able to see their relatives.


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