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Henri Guyan Genealogy
Date: 2013-02-08 17:45:00

According to the historian William Elsey Connelley, his great grandmother, Susan (Joynes) Conley told him as a young boy that she had a French uncle, Henry (Henri) Guyan, who started a trading post on the mouth of the Guyandotte River at the Ohio river in 1750.  William Elsey Connelley theorized that the river was originally named after the Wyandotte Indians and got changed to the Guyandotte after Henri Guyan.   I thought Henri's original surname could have been Guyon.  That would make a descendent of Jean Guyon.  Susan Joynes was born around 1775 in North Carolina.  Her surname had many different spellings:  Joynes, Joines, Goins or Jines.  Some list her mother's maiden surname as Adams.  I thought the descendants of Jean Guyon might be interested in that a river "may" have a variation of his surname on it.

RE: Henri Guyan Genealogy
Date: 2013-02-08 19:47:00


Henri Gyan was a french trader

from where ?

it makes for interesting reading  at


je regrette si il y a erreur je l'ai trouve sur Google

Henry Gyan


RE: Henri Guyan Genealogy
Date: 2013-02-09 07:01:00



To lien n'est pas bon, j'arrive sur une page inexistante

Peut-être une erreur de transcription



RE: Henri Guyan Genealogy
Date: 2013-02-11 19:26:00

The link you sent doesn't seem to work.  I couldn't  find any information that this Susan (Joynes) Conley was related to a Henry Guyan on genealogy websites.   Her mother was Mary "Sarah" Caudill.  Her Caudill brothers supposedly fought against those evil British (sorry Canadians) at Kings Mountain and Eutaw Springs during the American Revolution. Mary "Sarah" Caudill's husband, Thomas Joynes, fought along side her brothers.  One Caudill brother died at the Battle of Eutaw Springs.
Also, many sites like Wikipedia don't link the name the Guyandotte River to Henry Guyan.  I believe the Susan Conley's story must be true as told to William Elsey Connelley.  Henry Guyan may have been a great uncle to Susan?
Susan Conley's father-in-law, Captain Henry Connolly, commanded 200 troops against the British in the Revolutionary War.  From his pension application made in the 1830s, he was at the Battle of Cowpens.  His father, Thomas, was badly injured at the Battle of Kings Mountain.  

RE: Henri Guyan Genealogy
Date: 2013-02-20 12:18:00


Before taking-off in the wrong direction be advised that in the 18th century, the french did not have any use for the letter W. Therefore, Guyandote is the "french" way of writing Wiandote. I have even seen it writtent as 8andotte. It is therefore quite possible that there be no relation whatsoever between the (presumed) trader Guyon (Dion?) and Guyandotte.

Hudson's Bay Co. digitized records of contracts signed with Voyageurs and Trading post employees are available ofr perusal at the following Manitoba Provincial Gov't site:



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