Généalogie >  Forum >  Remi Gauvin

Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 09:23:00

Looking for any information on my great grandfather Remi Gauvin.  It appears that 2 Remis' were born approximately the same time 1854-1855.  He married Alida Roux and lived in the northeatern U.S. after immigration from Quebec.  He and Alida are buried in Sprague, Connecticut where they settled sometime after the start of the 1900's. My grandfather's name (their son) was Albert and he married Blanche Dugas. Some of his siblings include Emma and MaryJane-who never married.  My father's name was Paul with brothers Philip, Donat, Joseph and sisters Blanche and Marie-Evelyn. Thanks for any information.
RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 09:58:00


remi gauvin which one? the 1901 census has one born 1859 in New Brunswick

  yet another site has his son Frank m in Princeville Arthabaska county Quebec  in1919 did  you google   ??  gauvin genealogy a lovely site there for  the  N.B. family


RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 10:12:00


Your grandfather birth registration here :  

They lost a child in 1894, Ernest, born in 1893 :

I found a marriage date : Nov, 15, 1879 in Lawrence Mass.  I'm trying to find the registration to prove it and to get parents names.

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 11:45:00


In 1920, they were living in 
New London, Connecticut :

selfRemi GauvinM65yCanada
wifeAlida GauvinF65yCanada
dauEmma GauvinF35yCanada
sonFrancois GauvinM33yCanada
dauMary J GauvinF28yNew Hampshire
sonAlbert GauvinM22yMassachusetts
Josephine GauvinF27yCanada

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 11:52:00

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 13:15:00

In 1881, they were living in Chester Nord, Québec.  Last two entries on the census :

They had one child ( on the next page ),  Malvina, born 1 month before, in March in the United States. 

A link to Find-a-grave for these people :

The marriage in 1879 seems to be a very good possibility.  What I saw was Lawrence, Maine, but I think this should be Lawrence, Massachusetts.

On the 1920 census, we can see that Emma and Francois were born in Canada.
Emma was born on October 19, 1884 at St-Norbert, Québec.  Godparents were Germain Gouin and Louise Roux.
Francois was born on December 7, 1886, baptized the 8th at Victoriaville.  Godparents were Eugene Gagné, child's uncle, and his wife Julie Roux. 
So, I can say that Alida Roux ( or Leroux ) is the daughter of Guillaume Roux and Marguerite-Basilice Dumas.  She was born December 5, 1854, baptized the 7th at St-Norbert, Québec.

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 17:11:00

the quebec gauvins
RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 20:06:00

Click on this link  :    http://cjoint.com/?BJicelYvfWv

This is a recap of what I found with links to documents.

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 20:43:00



Thank so very much for the wealth of information you have gathered for me.  It must have taken a great deal of time and fortitude and for this, I am greatly appreciative.  You are a wonderful person! Again, thank you!   Linda

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-07 22:55:00

I created on this site the missing files to connect to your ancestors.
Here's the link for your Roux lineage :   http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/GenealogieQuebec.aspx?pid=1065228

For the Gauvin, I can't connect Rémi to his parents without a proof.  If you have a document on which we can see his birthdate, it would be helpful ( census or death certificate ).  For now, you can look at the lineage that I believe is yours :  http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/GenealogieQuebec.aspx?genealogie=Gauvin_Pierre-Remi&pid=1065234&lng=fr

Do you have infos about your grandmother Blanche Dugas ?

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-08 18:41:00



Thanks again,so much!

You go above and beyond!  I have nothing to prove Remi's parentage or date of birth.

I have tried working on my grandmother Dugas's lineage, but I'm always second guessing myself.  Her father was Joseph and he married Ros(e)an(n)a Payette.  You are probably one step ahead of me and all ready working on that.

I find it amazing that there are people, like you, who offer random acts of kindness in this world.

Many thanks,

Linda Gauvin Kincade

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-08 18:52:00

You guessed right !  Here's Blanche Dugas lineage :

I only need her marriage infos with Albert Gauvin to "marry" them on the site.

Here's an interesting function on this site.  On the Joseph-Alfred Dugas' file, click on the tree icon on right top corner of his file.  You'll then have a look at 4 generations of his ancestors.


P.S. : I added Blanche's file.  Are her birth and death dates good ?
RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-08 20:02:00


The dates are correct.  They were married here in Connecticut I'm guessing somewhere in New London county around 1920 because my father was born in 1923 and he had a sister older than he was.

I had a funny feeling that we would have Anne Magnun and Etienne in there, I believe she was one of the "King's Daughters" and her name is supposed to be on a monument at the port of landing.

Ah well! I must go eat with my husband and grand-daughter.  Enjoy your evening and thank you again.



RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-20 17:17:00



While transcribing my family tree, I found an error in that a child was posted to the wrong mother.  ID #474480 Pelagie Desrosiers' born in 1765, daughter of Jean-Baptiste was posted as a child of his first wife, Marguerite Vanasse who died in 1757.  If the dates are correct she should be posted as a child of M.-Josephe Lupien-Baron. I didn't know where to turn to have this researched and corrected.

Hope all are enjoying this weekend. Thanks for helping me. Linda




RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-20 18:03:00

Thank you.  You were right. 
Normally, while you're on Pelagie's file, you click on the envelop icon at the right top corner.  By this move, you will be able to inform the file's owner via the site's mailbox. 

But, you don't need to do it for Pelagie.  I made the correction.

RE: Remi Gauvin
Date: 2012-10-20 19:10:00


Thank you; Yves!

You are the best!



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