L'aide de la femme Montreal
Date: 2012-07-12 20:51:00
I am looking for persons who have any historical or other information about this agency from around the year of 1936 and 1937
RE: L'aide de la femme Montreal
Date: 2012-07-17 06:35:00
There is a microfilm at Institut Drouin. You can see the content on their site
The content is the baptisms at the <<Aide de la femme de Montréal>>
RE: L'aide de la femme Montreal
Date: 2012-07-17 18:35:00
Thank you. I will check this out.
RE: L'aide de la femme Montreal
Date: 2012-07-17 18:39:00
ahhh....but there is a sizeable fee that I cannot afford
RE: L'aide de la femme Montreal
Date: 2012-08-23 17:22:00
In reply to your earlier email to me about Aide a la Femme in Montreal, I did go to the Drouin institute and obtained the information that I was looking for....so thank you.
Now I'm wondering if you know a source for the sociological history of the Aide a la Femme in the 1930s....was it associated with a hospital in Montreal? just a little more about the agency itself..
Thank you in advance
RE: L'aide de la femme Montreal
Date: 2012-08-25 08:14:00
I made research with google and didn't obtain any response. This center was situated on 194 Vinet Street in Montreal.
The best advice , I can give, is to contact universities and researchers. There is a center at Laval University, la Chaire Claire-Bonenfant, who makes research on the condition of wowan. You can contact them at secretariat@ccb.ulaval.ca ( it is a french speaking center but you can probably contact them in english)
I think they will give you probably the names of persons who can help you.
Good luck Michel
RE: L'aide de la femme Montreal
Date: 2012-08-25 11:43:00
That is a great idea. Thank you very much for responding.