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Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-16 11:55:00


My g-g-grandfather was a U.S. Civil War vet. He is buried in Bennington at the Veterans Home cemetery. I have tried to find his parents but have not had any luck. He married Sophia Young (LaJeunesse) and had 8 children, most born Vermont. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Mon g-g-grand-père était un vétérinaire des États-Unis Guerre de Sécession. Il est enterré à Bennington au cimetière des anciens combattants Accueil. J'ai essayé de retrouver ses parents, mais n'ont pas eu de chance. Il a épousé Sophia Young (Lajeunesse) et a eu 8 enfants, dont la plupart nés du Vermont. Toute aide serait grandement appréciéev


RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-16 17:12:00

Do you know their marriage date ?   How old he was when he died ?
Any idea of his birthday's date ?

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-16 17:49:00


I have one wedding date of circa 1844 but I know there was a rehabbed marriage in Canada at one point.  He died 30 October 1901, in the Old Soldier's Home in Bennington, Vermont.  I believe he was born in 1824.


J'ai une date de mariage de vers 1844, mais je sais qu'il y avait un mariage rehabbed au Canada à un moment donné. Il décédé le 30 Octobre 1901, au domicile du vieux soldat à Bennington, Vermont. Je crois qu'il est né en 1824v

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 08:11:00


The alias for Lescarbot is Beauceron   may be  it might help

he was not a veterinaire that is a vetenerian  he was a veteran same in french  as in english

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 09:31:00

Nowhere have I seen any indication that the name was Beauceron, how would I determine that without the names of parents?
RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 10:05:00


thanks for the reply

there is a list of dit names  or aliasses  is on the site of the R.I society


my info comes from the Drouin( red books) up to 1775 also Guillaume is  listed in some places I have sent requests to 2 of my correspondants who are working on  your question I presume  you are in the US  I hope to get a reply soon will get back to you  asap being a volunteer with a local society for more than 30yrs I have a few tricks in my bag

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 10:42:00

Thank you so much Renee. I have been working on this over 25 years and cannot get beyond this brick wall. I am in the U.S., in New York.
RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 10:55:00


did  you just Google Lescarbeau   instead of OT

I see a couple possibilities there,    one is a site,   the other an email 2012 feb norm

I would give them a try, don't give up  there is an answer out there take my word for it n on world connect but no link to yours. I hope my friends will come to  your rescue when I take on a question I try to resolve i, t local members here know me for being very stubborn,  how about border crossings??? do  you have a subscription to ancestry?I don't subscribe to any,    I have society's memberships only



RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 11:17:00


Would there be a record of people crossing from Canada to the U.S.? I don't know how they traveled, maybe boats?  I used to have a subscription to Ancestry but I exhausted everything there, and can no longer afford to keep it up. I'm retired and living on a fixed income.  I didn't understand what you mentioned about a site and an email. I have Googled Lescarbeau, but didn't find anything I could use. Do you know who was the first Lescarbot to settle in Canada and have a family?  Maybe I could start from there and work forward?  There is a record of a naturalization for a Joseph Lescarbot but no helpful information on it: Burlington, VT, in 1866 a Joseph Carbo born 1824 in Canada. Volume 3, page 117 (1). U.S. District Court. Witness: James Sweeny.

Crossing my fingers you can help me to find some clues.


RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 11:29:00

I searched the web and found a request on a message board :

Lescarbot, Joseph, born @1822 perhaps Montreal. Married Sophia Young in New York near Keeseville @1844. Settled in Fair Haven, Vermont. Civil War veteran. Died 1901 in Bennington, VT. Need to find Joseph's parents. There is a rehabbed marriage record for a Joseph Lescarbot and a Francoise LaJeunnesse in Keeseville, 1854; does anyone know who those people are? It has been suggested that Francoise LaJeunnesse translates to Sophia Young. This is the right time period for them and I don't find them in Vermont at that time. Any help would be appreciated.

I think you're the author.  I also found on vermontcivilwar.org site that Joseph enrolled on November 8 1862 at the age of 37.  That means he was born in 1824-1825.  I can't find any Joseph born in these years in Québec, except one in 1825 who died 1 month later. 

Do you have any documents, certificates, census, or anything you found and that you can share ?  It might help to find a clue.  Names ( and infos ) of his children might also helps.

Keeseville NY was also named Clintonville.  On Family Search, you can loan the microfilm # 1450720 which contains :

  1. 1.Church records, 1851-1915
    • Catholic Church. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Redford, New York)
  2. 2.Church records, 1853-1915
    • Catholic Church. St. Jean le Baptiste (Keeseville, New York)
Maybe you'll find the rehabbed marriage and get clues.


RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 11:35:00


Yves, I have the names of all the children. I actually visited Keeseville years ago and looked for records. Could it be he had a different first name but preferred to be called Joseph?  Yes, I am the author of that query. You can see why I am stumped, I'm sure.

His wife, Sophia used the last name Young also, I believe that is a translation of LaJeunnesse.  On the rehabbed marriage I remember the last name was misspelled Lescargot. I believe their first child was either born or baptized in Canada, he is William.

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 11:48:00


The first Lescarbeau ancestor in Québec was Jean who married Anne Baudoin in November 1683 at Pointe-aux-Trembles.  He originate from Chateaudun, Evêché de Chartres, Beauce, France.  This is why he was also called Beauceron ( coming from Beauce ).

Jean and Anne had two sons who get married : Guillaume who married Marguerite-Catherine Colet in 1719 in St-Sulpice, and Pierre who married Louise Bousquet in 1721 in Repentigny.

You can find them, and their descendants, on this site :


P.S. : I just realized that the descendants are not complete.  Some are missing.  I'll add them.
RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 11:55:00


I searched Québec records and can't find any Lescarbeau or Beauceron/Lajeunesse or Young marriages or baptism for them.  I'll try again.

I think you're right to think he used Joseph instead of his baptism first name.  Easier for English peoples in New England.

William is the english for Guillaume.

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 12:18:00


a million thanks Yves

I did email Norm  I hope a reply will come

it  is quite a problem to have  Joseph as a first name  in the US same as in Ontario     while

only in Quebec is  your  third name  your legal name "" all the girls are Marie and all the boys Joseph""" one priest in Ontario told me,  he could not understand it at all until  I explained  the  system  they have,    it makes for a lot of questions  I see Eugene in some entries on Ancestry,    trying to locate all he descendants of The first ancestor  would be an impossible task  then   to find your ancestor in the  collection

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 12:38:00


Yves, just thinking about names made me wonder if any of the names of his sons would be a clue. Maybe one is named for the grandparent? I have in addition to William: Zebidee, Adolphus, Moses and Joseph, Jr.


RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-17 12:48:00

That's what I had in mind.  Can also be the case for daughters.

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-18 14:26:00


I did go to family search  to see the register St Roch l'Achigan

a joseph Lescarbeau born 20 december 1820 son of Joseph and Scholastique Riopel . I want to verify in the books. Hoping he did  make it to marry ,it confirms  an item seen on rootsweb world connect (free by  the  way) and  your question should be resolved in no time  as I promised  you ,some digging to do yet , but   I will  get back to you soon

p.s. I cannot take all the credit    here some of my most cherished friends did a lot of digging    for  you 

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-18 15:04:00


Thank you so much, Renee. I really appreciate your efforts on my behalf.


RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-19 08:32:00


since proofs are still missing that we are on the right family I will hold off a while I have the children of Jos & Scholastique and  their documents from my friend,  do  you have entries (fiches) on this site? under what name?  so we can communicate a bit better

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-19 08:47:00


Renee, I don't have a subscription to Rootsweb or any of the genealogy sites.

The only child I was able to find was a female for Scholastique. I checked out Rootsweb for her. All I found was a daughter, Alice.



RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-19 09:06:00




RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-19 17:19:00


I have a reply from someone looking into Lescarbeau, the person  you need ,  lets cut out the  middle man here , you don't need me , let me know when you reach him,  thanks ...  (try capital N and C ....  good luck), pleasure is all mine,  glad to be able to help and wish  you  all the best ,  now remember what I told you try the free sites , they are fun  really and  you never know  who you will find there  sometimes real cousins ....  I'll edit some of my replies also

RE: Looking for parents of Joseph Lescarbot dob 1824 Canada
Date: 2012-06-19 17:36:00

Thank you Renee!  Bless you.  I will contact him.
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