RE: Mariage Béliveau-Dorais
Date: 2013-08-08 21:21:00
Hi Pat,
Sorry for the delay to respond. I do not have much time for computer lately!
Yes Antoine was my grand father. Antoine and Gabrielle had 2 children's, Alonzo and Angela. Alonzo was my father, my mother was Jeannine Yelle, they were married in Chateauguay in 1950, Angela had one adopted son.
I have 2 sister and 1 brother. You mention Jean Blouin, Jean died in 2012 , november or december. Jean had enormous information on the Belliveau, but I don't know more for now. Paul Blouin his only brother died many years back but I don't have the year on hand. Antoine studied agriculture at St-Joseph College in Moncton, I have is diploma with me. I do not have all the info for the reason they moved to the west. I heard that he Antoine was to work in agriculture and other member of the family, from the Dorais my Grandmother, were carpenter to build school? but the other Belliveau I don't know. I remember of a Belliveau living in Vancouver coming to our house to visit, he was a cousin of my father.
but I haven't had time to pursue the research but going on pension this year I hope to find more. There is one cousin that here father was Hubal Boucher maried Antoine sister I think that was still living in Massena, New-York state, so she would be cousin with you ? My father grandmother also lived in Champlain New-York and last year I saw here at Jean Blouin Funeral but I lost track of here adress but I have to verify further.
Antoine in Chateauguay also worked has a Post Master. I also know that there is the son of a cousin of my father that lives in Montreal but I have no contact information
Sorry for my english... Is it OK to ask more from your side of family ?
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