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Jean-Marie Duval's Family
Date: 2012-01-30 22:46:00

I am the third great grandson of Jean-Marie Duval who ultimately moved his family to NH in the US in the mid to late 1800s. Below is all the information I have been able to gather on him
Jean Marie Duval
Born Abt. 1826
Pointe Du Lac, Quebec, Canada
in 1852 he lived in St. Maurice County, Canada East (Quebec), Canada

Any information you could provide about his wife's (Marie Valentine Philomene Fournier born abt 23 Apr 1838 St. Jean Port-Joli, Quebec, Canada) family would be greatly appreciated! Especially any stories or photographs of them. 

RE: Jean-Marie Duval's Family
Date: 2012-01-30 23:20:00

François Duval, son of François-Noel Duval and Françoise Mignault Labrie , married
Priscille Leclerc, daughter of Louis Leclerc and Céleste Pelletier, on November 3rd, 1817, at St-Jean-Port-Joli.
Their son Jean-Marie was born on January 23rd, 1825, at St-Jean-Port-Joli.

You'll find parents Duval/Mignault and Leclerc/Pelletier on this site. ( Links are for french version: do the same search in English ).

Louis Fournier, son of Louis Fournier and Marie-Claire Cloutier, married
Marie-Christine Roy, daughter of Antoine Roy and Marie-Angélique Roy,
on February 20th, 1827, at St-Jean-Port Joli.

Louis Fournier, son of Joseph Fournier and Françoise Carlos, married
Marie-Claire Cloutier, daughter of André Cloutier and Marie-Reine Morin,
on May 7th, 1799, at L'Islet.
André Cloutier, son of Pierre Cloutier et Geneviève Langelier, married

RE: Jean-Marie Duval's Family
Date: 2012-01-31 22:22:00

Thanks for the information, does this site have any supporting documentation? I built my tree on ancestry.com and have confirmed up to Jean Marie Duval everyone's relationship to each other, it is with Jean Marie's parents that I hit a stumbling block, as not being able to locate any records listing Jean Marie with his parents and siblings. I found someone else who listed a family tree that intersected with mine and that is where I was able to find Francois as his father. 

RE: Jean-Marie Duval's Family
Date: 2012-01-31 22:58:00

Since you already have an account and you're familiar with Ancestry's trees, it'll be easy for you to understand how this site works.  You can read the Help section ( upper right corner on this page or the Help section on the "My Account" page) for support.  You can also use the forum to ask for help when you're blocked.

You must know that this site is different from the others.  On this site, One person = One File, and only one file.  So, you enter your data, your parent's data and so on.  You'll need, at least, a birth year for your people.  Marriages should have accurate infos. At one point, you'll connect an ancestor with his parents and the rest of the lineage that is already entered on this site.  You are the owner of the files that you enters.  Nobody can modify your files.  If somebody find an information about one of your persons, he will have to send you an email ( via the internal mailbox of the site ) to share this info with you.  From there, you can check the information and, then, modify the file.

In the years 1875 and before, you"ll get an error if you try to enter data.  You'll have to write to site administrators to get a release.

Have fun.

RE: Jean-Marie Duval's Family
Date: 2012-01-31 23:19:00

Thanks again for the help, I will have to look around and see how it all works.
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