Généalogie >  Forum >  Augustin "Angus" Viger

Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-03 09:04:00


My Great Grandfather      Augustin was born 1853 Acadia

My Great Great Grand Father was

George Viger dob 1837+- 

Mother Marie Lafontaine 1833+-

Looking for ANY information on George Marie and any of George's Family 

Sorry do not speak French so if possible please respond in English

I really appreciate any information you may have...I have been looking for quite some time

Thank you in advance for any information


RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-03 17:22:00

RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-03 18:43:00



My Great Grandfather      Augustin was born 1853 Acadia

My Great Great Grand Father was

George Viger dob 1837+- 

Mother Marie Lafontaine 1833+-

Looking for ANY information on George Marie and any of George's Family 

Sorry do not speak French so if possible please respond in English

I really appreciate any information you may have...I have been looking for quite some time

Thank you in advance for any information



hope  you can  try thisGoogle rootsweb world connect

then put in Augustin Viger you will see enries for Augustin Didace Viger  born 1853

seems to be  yours( born in Acadia ? well Acadia was prior to 1775)but the family is  in New Brunswick anyway get back to me if you need more directions


***********************my response************

I was able to go to roots world web....  regarding Augustin  He was the son of George and  Marie  .Lafontaine (I have found this so far and hope it is correct..)  Not sure of anything regarding George (1837) his parents and if there are any other children  in the family   Not  sure when/where he or she died  etc  ..

I appreciate you trying to help me  I have subscription to Ancestry.com  but only the one for the US   and not the Canadian....We are having a Viger family reunion in Maine in July  and I would like to get all information possible..   to share with the family  Thanks again


RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-03 19:50:00


well   rootsweb world connect is a free site  also family search.org

since Cocagne is just north of Moncton try the centre d'etude acadienne at the university of Moncton and there is a town in N.B called Acadieville and Acadie Siding  may be  this is where  your family was from ???...".in your question state  New Brunswick  ""the site is from  there I beleive .I am a volunteer at a local society's library but  we have some northern N.B.but not  your area , there is a Madawaska Maine site   did  you try it??/also a Gaspe site

but that is a bit  far north for  you  but give it a try anyway , look I am out here in southern Ontario trying to help , did  you check any family associations for Viger??

Google Viger  Genealogy you might be surprised  I  hope someone else  will come to  your rescue. I'll keep trying at my end ,good luck  with  your reunion



RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-03 20:04:00

RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-04 17:17:00


Hi I am back ...  try automated genenealogy canada census 1901 in the 1901 census I find your Euphemie age 47 with  3 children in St John New Brunswick   as boarders so your Angus  was most likely in th USA already so did  you try  citizenship applications  ???look if  you come on again I'll give you my email and we connect communicate a bit faster


RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-04 17:43:00


Thank you so much  my email address is 


I went on Ancestry.com  but I don't have access to canadian census unless I pay for it

but it list

1901 Census of Canada 

Name Euphemie Viger  Birth 1853

Residence St Johns New Brunswick


Then  It lists

Quebec Vital and Churs Records (Drouin Collection 1921-1967)   Birth Marriage & Death

1912 Quebec  Euphemie Viger 

Another stumbling block


RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-13 13:23:00


Il y a eu :

Augustin né vers 1857 a épousé Euphémie GOGUEN
le 3 nov 1878 à Cocagne NBrunswick

mais aussi : dans Lambton 1872, Ontario, page 59
Augustus Viger, né au Michigan, a 21 ans ,fils de George et Mary Lafontaine
marié le 04-05-1872 à Corunna ? Moore à Agnès Ann Laforge fille de John B
Laforge et Mary Brigth.Source Drouin

George est peut-être décédé au Michigan, car au mariage que tu mentionnes en
1878, il est décédé et Mary Lafontaine demeure en Ontario.source Drouin.

J'ai aussi trouvé sur Family Search:

Hattie Viger, 54 ans, fille de George Viger et Mary La Fornity
John Longtain, 60 ans
20-04-1914 Marine City, St. Clair, Michigan

par contre pas de trace du mariage des parents. Si j'étais à votre place je passerai beaucoup de temps dans les livres du Michigan.

RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-13 15:13:00


je viens vous repondre pour Elaine qui   m'a fait suivre votre reponsealors je  vous remeircie infiniement de tout ce que vous  contibuez  ,oui je suis d'accord Michigan  est la direction a prendre  et on procedera sur cette recherche Merci encore Renee

RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-13 22:06:00


pour faire suite a la premiere question ,    elle a trouve un bapteme de George Viger ne 1835 a Ste Marie de Beauce il serait le fils de Antoine Viger et sa 2ieme epouse Genevieve  Giroux   est ce possible que c'est le George Viger en question ?

RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-14 20:11:00


beau temps oblige on en profite !!!

Non ce Georges Viger né en 1835 est décédé noyé le 06-05-1856 à St-Vital, on dit bien fils de Antoine et défunte  Geneviève Giroux

source Drouin, St-Vital Lambton 1856 page 13

RE: Augustin "Angus" Viger
Date: 2011-06-14 20:44:00


un gros merci  alors ce George ne en 1835 n.est pas le bon bonne chose de pouvoir l'eliminer  si vite  merci encore une fois


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