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Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2011-04-30 10:11:00


I am doing some research on my great great grandfather Joseph Chrétien (s/o Alexis Chrétien and Marie Catherine Gerbeau)


I have found that there was a Corporal Joseph Chrétien serving with the Canadian Voltigeurs during the War of 1812.  






I have found his enlistment record at the Library and Archives Canada (RG 8-I, volume 796, page(s) 76, microfilm reel C-3257) which shows that he was in the first group of 72 men to enlist in the Voltigeurs on the 25th of April 1812. However, the only personal information the records contain is his name, age (21 years) and his height (5ft 8in). His age matches that of my ancestor.


The problem is that on the PRDH site I have found a second Joseph Chrétien (s/o Jean Baptiste Chrétien and Genevieve Tellier) of about the same age (b- 21 Apr. 1791).


The question is which of these two Joseph Chrétien’s was the Corporal?


RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2011-04-30 17:28:00

Look at this marriage : Joseph Chrétien .

I think he's Jean-Baptiste's son.  Her mother, Geneviève, had to consent to his marriage because he was minor, 20 years of age.

So, chances are that the Caporal was your ancestor.  Because the other one got married only 5 month before the 25 April 1812, and was living in the Québec City area.  If you take a look at this FORUM, you'll see that Joseph was one of the soldier who fought at the Chateauguay Battle.  This Battle took place at Allan's Corners ( take a look on Google maps ).  Allan's Corner is about 35 kilometers from St-Anicet and the same from Les Cèdres ( where Joseph was born).

That's the best I can find for now.

RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2011-05-01 18:08:00


I would agree that it would be unlikely for some one to run off and enlist in the Army just a few months after getting married.


Thank you for your reply.

RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2011-05-14 16:06:00

I went to my Genealogical Society this morning ( in Valleyfield ), and took a look at the soldiers list who fought at the Chateauguay Battle.

I saw that Joseph was Caporal in the Jacques Viger Company.  Jacques Viger was a Montreal citizen, and Les Cèdres and St-Anicet are near Montreal.  So, I think he enlisted in Montreal.

I checked in a St-Anicet history book, but can't find anything saying he was a Voltigeur.  

RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2011-05-15 10:05:00


Thank you for your aid.


Do you have any more information about Joseph Chrétien of Quebec, and his wife Genevieve Bilodeau?  Did they have any children born between 1812 and 1815? This could prove that he was home with his family and not off campaigning with the Voltigeurs. It is possible that it was a bad marriage and Joseph ran off with the army to escape; or he may have enlisted for the promise of the 50 acres of land after his service.


Another strange thing is why was the marriage performed in an Anglican church when Joseph Chrétien was baptized in the Catholic Church at Notre Dame de Quebec?


Thank you again.




RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2011-05-15 14:52:00

Your idea is very good.  But, no, I don't know if they had children.  I'll check on Ancestry.

About the Anglican Church, the most strange fact is that both parties are french citizens.  It was frequent when one of the parties has english roots.  But, it was not forbiden to choose another religion.  

After checking, I didn't find any children for Joseph and Genevieve. I can't even find Joseph or Genevieve deaths.  Genevieve's parents were Francois Bilodeau and Louise Poulin ( named Marie Elisabeth at her marriage ).  Jean-Baptiste Paquet ( witness and brother-in-law at Genevieve marriage ), married Julie Bilodeau June 1st 1801 at Notre-Dame parrish, Québec.

RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2012-02-26 22:26:00


I’ve found both Joseph Chretiens listed on the 1861 Quebec census on the site below:


My ancestor is shown as living in St Anicet; while the other one is living in St. Raphael, Bellchasse, Qc.  There is also another Joseph Chretien in St. Raphael born in 1836. This could be the son or even the grandson. From the parish records of St. Raphael Joseph Chretien Sr. was buried on the 11 Jan. 1864 at age 72 years.


RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2012-02-26 23:13:00

The link you sent, Family Search, do not show images of censuses.  So I thought you might be interested :

Census 1861        Census 1871       Census  1881   at St-Anicet.
Census 1861   at  St-Raphael.

RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2012-02-27 22:08:00


Thank you for posting the census images.

I have done some more research and it appears that the Joseph Chretien from St. Raphael, Bellechasse, Qc. is a deferent person. From parish records he was born on the 30th of Dec., 1793 in Saint-Vallier,Bellechasse, Qc,.  His parents were Louis Chretien and Catherine Roi. He married Angele Cadrin on 26 Aug. 1834 also in St Vallier.

RE: Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2012-02-27 22:37:00

Last May, you asked :
Do you have any more information about Joseph Chrétien of Quebec, and his wife Genevieve Bilodeau?  Did they have any children born between 1812 and 1815? 

In august, I took a subscription to Genealogie Quebec on wich they indexed all acts through 1825.  But they did it for catholic parishes, not protestant ones.  So, yesterday,  I checked for Joseph Chretien married to Genevieve Bilodeau, and no traces.

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