Joseph Chrétien of the Voltigeurs
Date: 2011-04-30 10:11:00
I am doing some research on my great great grandfather Joseph Chrétien (s/o Alexis Chrétien and Marie Catherine Gerbeau)
I have found that there was a Corporal Joseph Chrétien serving with the Canadian Voltigeurs during the War of 1812.
I have found his enlistment record at the Library and Archives Canada (RG 8-I, volume 796, page(s) 76, microfilm reel C-3257) which shows that he was in the first group of 72 men to enlist in the Voltigeurs on the 25th of April 1812. However, the only personal information the records contain is his name, age (21 years) and his height (5ft 8in). His age matches that of my ancestor.
The problem is that on the PRDH site I have found a second Joseph Chrétien (s/o Jean Baptiste Chrétien and Genevieve Tellier) of about the same age (b- 21 Apr. 1791).
The question is which of these two Joseph Chrétien’s was the Corporal?