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Vandal Family Info needed
Date: 2011-02-13 17:26:00


My newest problem involves the Vandal family. I have Alfred Vandal married to Josephine Violette in Lawrence, MA, USA. His parents were Edouard Vandal & Adeline Bernard. US census records and his obituary have Alfred born 1902-1903 in Lawrence, MA, USA but the birth register has him being born in 1911 in Lawrence. That's the first mystery, a 8-9 year difference in age is about the largest I've seen. The real problem lies in his parents. I have the Drouin record for their marriage on May 1, 1899, St. Simon, Bagot. He was the widower of Marie Mandeville. It says she was from Fisher, Mass but I live in Mass and there is no Fisher here that I know of. I found a marriage record for him from Northbridge, MA, USA in 1880 to a Mary Montville. Her parents were Culbert & Sophia (no last name). I have found a few children born in the area to Edouard & Mary that match a census record when Edouard is married to Adeline with their names attached to this couple. I cannot find any record of a Mary-Marie Montville-Madeville dying in the US or Canada. The cofusion comes with the record of the death of a child 2 years old with Edward & Mary Monville listed as the parents 12 years after he remarried to Adeline Bernard. Could be an error I guess and I cannot find a birth record for this child to confirm the parents names.

Also Adeline is listed as a widow on the 1920 & 1930 census' but no record of Edward's death can be found.

Does anyone have any of the Vandal line that might shed some light on this couple.

RE: Vandal Family Info needed
Date: 2011-02-13 19:01:00


I found a marriage between Cuthbert Mandeville and Sophie Antaya.

Take a look on Family Search,  St-Pierre-de-Sorel, 1853-1857, image 37.

Hope it will help.

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