Ou est l'eglise Ste. Cecile establis apre 1850?
Date: 2008-02-17 18:39:00
RE: Ou est l'eglise Ste. Cecile establis apre 1850?
Date: 2008-02-17 21:03:00
Votre francais est très bien. Where would be situated Ste-Cecile's church?? In which town? In Quebec....Ontario ?????
Bonne soirée
RE: Ou est l'eglise Ste. Cecile establis apre 1850?
Date: 2008-02-19 09:43:00
I found it and found my man but I had to search many years as he did not report his age correctly in the 1851 census. Said his wife was 22 but she was 19. Said he was 34 but he was 36. I learned a lot on this search like the practice of naming people on the Saints day.
RE: Ou est l'eglise Ste. Cecile establis apre 1850?
Date: 2008-02-19 09:47:00
Bon matin mon cher Carmen,
I found the correct church it was in Bic. Merci b... for your kind attention.
RE: Ou est l'eglise Ste. Cecile establis apre 1850?
Date: 2008-02-19 10:50:00
Merci b... pour l'offre d'assistance.Une question sur la fin de le "record" de mariage le cure ecri quelquechose de "n'ont ??? signer" I can't put together enough french to grasp the meaning but i suspect it means "these people cant write so i am signing for them". The rest of the text i can stumble through w/ my high school french