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Pierre Nadeau
Date: 2010-08-07 17:09:00

I seek two things: the date of death of Pierre Nadeau, born in 1866 in Iberville, PQ, son of Ambroise Nadeau and Celina Benoit; and any information about Heminie or Hermine Kaigle, born Oct. 19, 1866 in Iberville. They married Jan. 19, 1886 in Rouville, PQ. Also would like the names and birthdates of their children. I know one name, Joseph Ambroise Doria Nadeau. He worked in a Montreal bank and died of the influenza in 1917, 1918 or 1919.
RE: Pierre Nadeau
Date: 2010-08-07 18:17:00


Pierre died at Ste-Angèle-de-Monnoir November 8 1896.

Burial: 11-11-1896,same place

Hermine died at Ange-Gardien,Rouville January 27 1893.

Burial: 1-29-1893,same place

RE: Pierre Nadeau
Date: 2010-08-07 18:33:00

Pierre Nadeau and Hermine Kaigle got married in the parish of Ste-Angèle-de-Monnoir, Rouville County.  Date is good.  Hermine was minor of age ( under 21 ) and Pierre was major.
Hermine was the daughter of Joseph Kaigle and Lucie Messier, both were dead on their daughter's marriage.  Hermine was a school teacher. Félix Bessette was her guardian.
Ambroise Doria was born on July 3 1888, baptized on the 5th at the parish of Ange-Gardien.
Here's a link for Family Search where you can seek yourself :

Search and click for Quebec Catholic Parish Registers.  In the new window, search and click for Ange-Gardien.  In the center colomn, click on Saint-Ange-Gardien,  In the right colomn, click on 1888 and click on view images.

In the bottom window, click on the arrows for next or previous pages on the right top. Index is on the first pages. On image 3, name of Ambroise is listed with the page  number of the register where you'll see the act. You can also enter an image number in the white box between the arrows.  Erase the number already there, type 24 and do Enter.  Ambroise's baptism is B.56.  In the text, you'll see the words "parrain" and "marraine".  They are the godfather and the godmother of the child.  The godparents were often related to the child (uncle, aunt, grandparents, older brother or sister ). 
From here, you can check each year through 1900, seeking in the index for Nadeau children.  Have fun.

Yves Daoust

RE: Pierre Nadeau
Date: 2010-08-09 03:40:00

Dear Yves,

  Thank you so much for this great information. I am working on it, thanks to you. My father's name was Yves, which makes your information so much more precious. He never knew very much about his father, Ambroise Doria because the man died so young. His mother remarried and was estranged from her first husband's family. Now I have a chance to fill in the holes. Thanks!!!
RE: Pierre Nadeau
Date: 2010-08-09 08:59:00

Carmel,  Doria married Laura Messier on October 21, 1912 at Roxton Falls.  At this time, he was working at Banque d'Hochelaga ( became Banque Nationale in 1925 ).  Here's the marriage act ( click on the link; save it on your computer, it will be erased in 21 days ).

Doria died on October 10, 1818.  He was  resident of parish Très-Saint-Rédempteur of Montréal.  As witness, we can see the signatures of Yvonne Nadeau and Georges Nadeau. Maybe his sister and brother ?  Here's the burial act :

Yves Daoust. 
RE: Pierre Nadeau
Date: 2010-08-09 19:40:00

Yves — Thank you so much for looking up this information. You are a true, great Nadeau!
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