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amable dumont
Date: 2010-08-04 19:12:00

amable dumont married euphemie saindon in feb. 1870. in about 1900 there son joseph e. dumont came to the u.s.a..in about 1903 euphemie followed with most of her and amable children. damase left about a year latter .probably went back to richmond quebec area. what happened to amable. euphemie left a will leaving 1/3 of her real property to her husband amable in richmond. i know that another child of there roseanna married a t. pepin roseann died in 1959 in richmond. i can not find any info on amable besides his marriage and the bap. of his and euphemie children. any help on amable will be helpfull. thank you sharon dumont. albertadumont@gmail.com.
RE: amable dumont
Date: 2010-08-04 20:08:00


Sorry Sharon for my bad english...

Amable is dead at St-François-Xavier-de-Brompton (not too far from Richmond)

April 30 1928

Burial: May 5 1928

Trés heureux d'avoir pût vous aider,au revoir!

RE: amable dumont
Date: 2010-08-05 16:41:00


Amable and Euphemie were cousin

according to the register they had a 3rd degree  dispense

the alias  for Dumont is Gueret  by the way

(her mother was a Dumont )

2 children of this couple

Joseph died age 5mos in 1894

Etienne died at age 4yrs 1896

2 daughters  also

Catherine m   23-7-1913 to William Patton  @ bromptom

Rose Anna m Telesphoere Pepin 21-8  1925 @ Richmond

she died at age 82 in 1959 in Richmond

re: volume of Richmond county

hope this helps  your collection

RE: amable dumont
Date: 2010-08-06 15:57:00

thank you richard and renee for the infomation you sent me about amable dumont.
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