Back to record of: Simon D'Entremont
Il épouse Elisabeth Theriault en secondes noces
Texte de biographie (Musée des Acadiens des Pubnicos)
Simon d’Entremont was born in West Pubnico on November 28, 1788. His mother was Anne Marguerite Pothier from Wedgeport. Having received a large track of land in East Pubnico from his father, this is where he settled, his house being, at the time, one of the first to be built at the beginning of the French part of the village in Upper East Pubnico.
Having received but a scanty formal education, he studied independently, and could speak and read French, English, Latin, and Micmac; he could recite "Our Father" in these four languages. After becoming a Justice of the Peace in 1838, he was always known among the French people as "Simon Square," erroneously for "Squire" (Simon pronounced in French).
On July 30, 1810, he married Elizabeth Larkin, daughter of John Larkin and Marie Belliveau. She died on February 16, 1830, while giving birth to her ninth child. The following year, Simon married Elizabeth Thériault of Meteghan, daughter of Charles Thériault, known as "Lescate," and Natalie Melanson, who also gave him nine children. (participant 16663)