Back to record of: Sarah Marten
Son père résidait à Fort Albany pendant cette période.
Moose Factory Journal
1846 - folio 83 – May 23rd
Saturday, on the course of the last night the wife of Richard Good [Sarah Martin] retired pension clerk departed this life about 35 minutes past 1 o'clock AM of this day. Her age is apprised to be verging in 90 years. She died suddenly from the effects of a cough and saliva she had very troubled with. And, yesterday was much in her usual way. The carpenter King made a coffin for her remains.....
1846 - folio 83 – May 24th
Sunday, English and Indian services in the church. The remains of Mrs. R. Good were interred this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Reverend W. Barnley reading the funeral service.
Sur sa pierre tombale, située au cimetière de la CBH à Moose Factory, il est incrit:
Sarah wife of Richard Goode and daughter of Humphrey Marten many years an officer in the H B Cos service this stone is erected in faithful recollection of her virtues as a wife a mother and a friend by her affectionate husband she died May 23rd, aged 78 years