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1940 - Recensement famille: Réal Dugal et Yvonne Gagnon
77, Gagnon Real, m, 43, m, head, Canada french
78, Gagnon Yvonne, f, 40, m, wife, New-Hampshire
79, Gagnon Phileas, m, 73, m, father-in-law, Canada french
80, LaPointe Lorraine, f, 16, s, lodger, Maine
01, LaPointe Norma, f, 14, s, lodger, New-Hampshire
02, LaPointe Lionel, m, 12, s, lodger, New-Hampshire
03, LaPointe Clairmont, m, 11, s, lodger, New-Hampshire
United States Census, 1940, Maine, Androscoggin, Minot Town, (1-72 Minot Town from town... Minot (part), West Minot), Sub-district 2, Sheets 7-B and 8-A, Image 14-15/21, Household 155, Lines 79-80 and 1-3