Retourner à la fiche de: Peter McKenzie
JAP: Peter Mckenzie went to military school in Québec. He married Bridget O'Malley in Québec. They lived mostly in Montréal. Peter was the oldest boy and was a mining engineer. He gave all his children a good education with the Jésuits in Montréal. They were all brought up Catholic as Peter had change to Catholic when he married Bridget in Québec.Peter was a very handsome man. He was over 6 ft. tall and weight about 310 Lbs. He discovered gold up in the Lake St. John district of Québec Province called Chibougamau. The mine gave out after a while. Peter was taken for President Talf of the US while in New York on business. Both Peter and Bridget are buried in Montréal. Information form Marguerite Labonté.
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