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Orpha J. Rheaume
WINTHROP Orph-a J. Rneaumes 82, died Sunday at Augustu General Hospital.
He was born tn St. Come, ImageBeuuee, Canada, March 19. IH93, Imagethe son of Cyerelle und Celamrc Ferlanct Rheatutne- wus a Imagemember 01 St lùanets Xavler Church and the St. Jean the ImageBaptist.
Sut•vtvlng are his widow, Murie Luu'sc Champagne gneaumc. Winthrop. two suns, George and Norman, both ot
Winthrop. a duugllter. Mrs. Rita Bulsumo. a st5ter. Mrs. Irene Belanger. St. Come. Quebec: 11 grandchildren. and five great-grandctllldren.