Retourner à la fiche de: Mary Barlow
Notes: Le jour de sa naissance varie selon les inscriptions: au régistre religieux, 13 oct 1842; ou le régistre civil, 5 oct 1842
1842 - Mary Barlow - The sixteenth of october eighteen hundred and forty two, we undersigned priest have baptized Mary, born three days before, of the lawful marriage of Joseph Barlow, farmer, and Bridget Neal of Halifax, godfather James Byrns, godmother Mary Timmons. (B-175 du régistre religieux)
1842 - Mary Barlow - The sixteenth of october eighteen hundred and forty two, we undersigned priest have baptized Mary, born eleven days before, of the lawful marriage of Joseph Barlow, farmer, and Bridget Neal of Halifax, godfather James Byrns, godmother Mary Timmons. (B-177 du régistre civil) m22095