Retourner à la fiche de: Marie-Rose-Cordelia Tremblay
On the first day of march, nineteen hundred and nineteen, whereas the banns of marriage were three times proclaimed at the prone at Grand Mass in St. Sauveur Church, between Frederick Francis Anthony Filoni, son of age of the late William Filoni and Lorenza Arienti of Our Lady of Mt Carmel parish, New-York city, on the one part; and Marie Rose Cordélia Trembley, miner daughter of the late Theodule Trembley and Angélina Dubé of St. Sauveur parish on the other part; we the undersigned priest having discovered no impediment to their marriage, and having obtained in writing the consent of the mother of the minor party, have received their mutual consent to be united in the bonds of holy matrimony and have given them the nuptial blessing in the presence of Ed. Provençal and Theodore Beaumont both undersigned with the contrating parties. Célébrant: D.A. Sullivan