Back to record of: Marie-Louise Plouffe

Marie-Louise Plouffe
18 ans.
Birth Date 1876
Marital Status Married
Spouse's Name Fred Lepold Koppensteiner.
Father's Name : Pierre Pluff
Mother's Name: Julia Correveau.

2e mariage
avec Fred Lepold Koppensteiner.
non trouvé.

Informations recues de D. Bilodeau. (Mes remerciements)

Marie-Louise est née et bapt. le 26 12 1875 St-Gabriel de Brandon

p. 3 de ce document, il y a l'entrée suivante: Mary Louise Koppensteiner died on the 6th of August in Providence at age 62. She had been living at #406 Pine Street in an apartment. Her will left all her property, both real and personal, to her sister-in-law, Odella Deshaies. The probate record includes a granted petition to sell certain real estate in order to pay the deceases debts, the property named was the 42' by 95' lot on Pine Street. (Probate case 39168)

1930 - USA census - Provodence RI - Louise Koppensteiner 54 ans, married (note son conjoint n'est pas recensé), elle mentionne avoir 18 ans à son 1er mariage.

au rec. de 1935, Providence, RI, elle est divorcée et elle est née le 25 12 1875

Fille de Pierre Plouffe et Julie Corriveau.

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