Retourner à la fiche de: Marguerite Doucet

Elle fut inhumée le 20 décembre 1707 à Port-Royal, Acadie.
According to Stephen White, the name of the wife or wives of Germain [Doucet] has never been known. Several early writers, such as Bona Arsenault... and Adrien Bergeron... have stated that the wife was Marie Bourgeois, given the documented fact that Germain Doucet and Jacques (Jacob) Bourgeois were brothers-in-law. In his notes, Stephen White states: 'It is not possible that the mother of the childlren of Germain Doucet is a sister of Jacques Bourgeois' wife, as certain authors have proposed, being given that the in-laws of Jacques Bourgeois didn't get married until 1627. There exists the possibility that Germain Doucet nevertheless married in second nuptials, to a daughter of Guillaume Trahan who gave him no surviving children; but it is as possible that such a second wife is the sister of Jacques Bourgeois and not the sister of his wife.'"

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