Back to record of: Margaret Thomas

Une Indienne ou une sang-mêlé. Donc, leur mariage fut célébré à la mode du pays selon la coutume Cris de la Baie James.
Source 2: Archives de Ontario - Microfilm MS161 - Moose Factory Mission Church Records - 1780 -1894 - Volume 2 - Deaths & Burials - p.1

December 31st 1813

Died of the gout in her stomach Mme Margaret Thomas at this Factory leaving a disconsolate husband and a family of children and grand-children to lament her loss viz., three sons, five daughters & six grandsons & grand daughters in this country, besides her daughter Margaret in England. Short before her departure she expressed strong hopes on immortality.

January 3rd 1814

She was buried with every respect paid to her remains.

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