Retourner à la fiche de: Louis Bois
majeure en 1832, cela fait penser qu'il soit né le 12 août 1807.
Or, les recherches de Jim Stafford montrent qu'il soit né en 1812
Louis Bois was born 16 January 1812. See parish record F 53. I believe the Louis Bois, born 1807, died although I can find no record of his death. All of the censuses, 1852, 1861, 1871, and 1881 show his date of birth to be about 1812, not 1807. His record of death, 29 March 1896 (parish record F 7) lists his age as 85, suggesting the 1812 birth to be more proximate than the 1807 birth.
3e noce Marie Duval, veuve Joseph Fortin, 30 juillet 1877