Back to record of: Joseph-Edmond Seguin
Edmond Seguin was killed in one of the Spalding Lumber Co's camps on Saturday afternoon. He was employed as teamster in one of the above company's camps near Spalding, Mich., and while driving a load of logs, the chain which held the load broke, and the logs rolled off. Mr. Seguin fell to the ground and one of the logs rolled on him, and injured him so badly internally that he died an hour afterwards.
He was brought down on the C & NW train Saturday night, and taken to Chas. Harbick's place on Hall avenue, until the news of his death could be broken to his wife. The family lives on White street, and his wife is in very poor health -- so much so that the duty of breaking the sad news to her was anything but a pleasant one. Deceased was 28 years old [actually 27]. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock."