Retourner à la fiche de: Joseph Jerome

Baptized Marie Joseph Jérôme dit Régimbal, 23-July-1835; parrain, Joseph Chénier; marraine, Clémence Payet. (baptism research - Yves Daoust)

"As a youth, Joseph spent the greatest part of his time at home. He helped his father on the farm and when he could get time off, he would work in the camps nearby."

"At the age of twenty three, he traveled to St-Jean-Chrysostôme, where he married Anastasie Gervais on January 12, 1858. The couple would reside in St-Louis-de-Gonzague until 1862, when they moved their family to Minnesota."

"Another move was made to Wisconsin, where the couple made their home in Chippewa Falls."

- Biography written by Fr Clement Regimbal (1891-1933), son of Fabien, Joseph's brother.

Pierre died April 20, 1914 and was buried on the 23rd of April at Hope Cemetery, Chippewas Falls, Wisconsin, USA.

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