Retourner à la fiche de: Jean-Baptiste Melancon

As Jean-Baptiste Melanson and the Benoit family left Massachusetts for Canada, Thomas Hutchinson worte a letter noting their arrival and stay in the province, dated at Milton, Massachusetts, 26 July 1766
"Upon ye first arrival of ye Acadians in this Province one of ye families being in particular distress, all of them, for some days having been neglected by the authority here. I prevailed with one of my servants to take them in as lodgers. In a short time after the mother a widow died. The children have challenged a kind of patronage from me ever since. As they cannot have the free excercice of their religion here they are now removing to Canada. There goes in one vessel Francois Benois & Joseph Benois their wives & children. Pierre Landry & Joseph Vincent who married two of the daughters with their children. Françoise Benois another daugther with her husband [Jean-Baptiste Melanson] whose name I have forgot sailed a few weeks since.... The Acadians in general have been industrious, some have been infected with a love of strong drink which at first they were free from. The particular persons I have named to your Excellence have behaved remarkably well and gained the goodwill of many principal families who have shown kindness to them"
Dict. Melanson

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