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-Text of Marriage Source: p.32 "BOUTON [2BOUTTON] Jean Baptiste (Mathurin and Francoise PORTIER), native of La Valle, Diocese of Angers, m. Anne SANCIE, Aug. 31, 1745, w. Jean Baptiste MONPIERE [@MONTPIERRE], the bride's beau-pere, Pier [@Pierre] GARSOIN [@GARCON], the bride's beau-frere, Jacques ROMAN, Nicolas ROUSSAU [@ROUSSEAU], Etienne DAIGLE, LEGROS (SCB, B1, 36)"
p.234 "SANCIE [@SANCIES, SENSIE] Anne (Francois and Magdelaine BAPTISTE), native of Arkansas, Diocese of Quebec, m. Jean Baptiste BOUTON, Aug. 31, 1745 (SCB, B1, 36)"

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