Retourner à la fiche de: Jacques Ritchot

Fils de Jacques et Suzanne Calquet

Baptisé le 6-1-1691 St-François-du-Lac


Pris en guerre

(CT 23 sous seing privé, dépôt le 28-01-1705 Normandin) avec Elisabeth Dubois


Jacques Ritchot was the son of Richard Nason and Shuah Colcord. He was born in South Berwick, ME In 1682, a group of French militiamen and Abenaki Indian warriors raided Sturgeon Creek where the Nason family lived and brought many villagers to Canada as hostages. Jacques was among them. His father was killed, his mother later remarried to John Douglas in ME. He was baptised Jacques Ritchot in 1691 (he was about 8 or 9 years old). His name was a french translation of his father's first name. His mother was called Suzanne Calquet in the baptism record.
He grew up in St. Francois-du-Lac, probably in the Crevier family who employed him and married Elisabeth Dubois-dit-Brisebois.

Father: Richard Nason b: 1649 in South Berwick, York, ME
Mother: Shuah Colcord b: 12 JUN 1660 in Hampton, Rockingham, NH, Infos provenant de Ginette Arpin, participante NosOrigines

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