Retourner à la fiche de: George-Clarence Durocher
avis de décès :
George J. Durocher, a former employee of the Boston and Albany railroad and father of the well-known major league ball player, Leo Durocher, died yesterday morning at his home, 114 Maynard street, after a brief illness. Born in Cohoes N.Y. he has been a resident of this city and West Springfield for the past 40 years. He retired about 10 years ago.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Clarinda (Provost) Durocher, four sons, Clarence of West Springfield, Raymond of New York, Armand of this city, and Leo of St. Louis MO; three brothers, Henry, David and William, of Cohoes, and six grandchildren. The funeral will be held at the R.D. Toomey funeral parlors, West Springfield, tomorrow morning at 8.30 followed by a solemn requiem high mass at the St. Thomas church at 10. Burial will be in St. Thomas Cemetery.
(Springfield Republican, 12 octobre 1938)