Retourner à la fiche de: Frederic Edmister
2924 Taylor Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
Studied medicine and graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Practiced medicine in Brooklyn, New York, and Port Huron, Michigan. Went to Detroit twenty-five years ago (1895). Was a thirty-third degree Mason. Was Past Commander in Chief of Michigan Sovereign Consistory. Past Eminent Commander of Damascus Commandery of Detroit and Past Master of Greenwood Lodge of Brooklyn. Became a Maccabee in Brooklyn in 1887. Held office of Supreme Medical Examiner of Knights of Maccabees twenty-five years to the time of his death. Member of Board of Governors of Wayfarers Club of Detroit, and was also a member of other clubs and civic societies. In his church relations he was an Episcopalian. Died May 12, 1923.