Retourner à la fiche de: Francoise Loiseau

Fille de Nicolas et Françoise Feriège

(CT 07-10-1669 Becquet) avec Mathurin Grégoire

Note J. LaBossiere
The parish record of the burial of Francoise Loiseau is available at I was able to get it at my public library. She was recorded as 90 years old at her burial in 1738, thus her estinated birth year is 1638. This agrees with the Rene Jette Dictionnaire page 525 Francoise Loiseau born about 1638 Soisson, Picardie, France – year estimated from her age at death. Ste. Trinite de Contrecoeur 1723-1743 Vol. III - Page 41 Burial of Francoise Loiseau Oct. 31, 1728 She was also a "Filles du Roi.

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