Back to record of: Francois-Xavier Arpin
Certificate of Disability for Discharge reads in part:
Born St Marie, Canada; 5 ft 9 1/4 inches high; dark complexion, eyes, hair; farmer; enlisted for three years; enlisted by Captain F. Seguin; "was taken sick while stationed at Moscow Tenn [Fayette county, about 20 miles east of Memphis] about 8 months ago and has never had any duty since." "Chronic inflamation of the liver and spleen and miseries impairing his general health to such a degree as to leave no reasonable doubt of the man's incapacity for military servis [sic]. Transmittal for the invalid corps. Degree of disability: 1/2." Dated 14th day of November 1863 Memphis Tenn." The Muster Out roll dated July 22, 1865 Galveston Tex says: "Dischd. Nov. 14/63 for physical disability."
ex 914