Back to record of: Francis Desjardins

DEATHS - FRANK A. DESJARDINS – MANCHESTER N.H. – Frank A. Desjardins, a resident of Lowell, Mass., for most of his life, died here yesterday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Bilodeau, at the age of 84. A native of Van Buren, Me., he came to Lowell when a young man and lived there until five years ago. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Bilodeau, Mrs. Blanche Tallard of Framingham and Mrs. Eva Tallard of Manchester, N.H.;13 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren.

FUNERALS – DESJARDINS – Died in Manchester, N.H., May 25, Frank A. Desjardins, formerly of Lowell Mass., aged 84. A solemn high funeral mass will be celebrated Monday morning at 8 o’clock at St. Jean Baptist church, Manchester. Friends may call at the Arthur O. Phaneuf funeral home, 505 Dubuque street corner of Kelly street, in Manchester, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. today and Sunday.
(Source: The Lowell Sun, Saturday May 26 1956, Page 3) (C. Fortier)

Ci-dessous un relevé de recensement de 1900 concernant Frank A Desjardins, son épouse Alexandra et leur fille Blanche.
1900 - Home: Tewksbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts; Name: Frank A Desjardins; Age: 27; Birth Date: Feb 1873; Birthplace: Canada French; Home in 1900: Race: White; Gender: Male; Immigration Year: 1894; Relation to Head of House: Head; Marital Status: Married; Spouse's Name: Alexandra Desjardins; Marriage Year: 1895; Years Married: 5; Father's Birthplace: Canada Fr; Mother's Birthplace: Canada Fr;

Family: Name, Race, Sexe, Birth month, Birth year, Age, S M W, Years married, Children borned, Children living, Birthplace, Father’s birthplace, Mother’s birthplace, Year Immigration, Years in USA, Na, Occupation:

Frank A Desjardins, Head, W, M, Feb, 1873, 27, M, 5, , , Canada Fr; Canada Fr; Canada Fr; 1894, 5, Al, Carder (Cotton Mill)

Alexandra Desjardins, Wife, W, F, July, 1874, 25, M, 2, 1, Canada Fr; Canada Fr; Canada Fr; 1894, 5, , , ;

Blanche Desjardins, Daughter, W, F, Nov, 1898, 1 year, S, , , , Massachusetts, Canada Fr, Canada Fr, , , , .

(Source: 1900 United States Federal Census, Massachusetts, Middlesex, Tewksbury, District 966, 25/36, Page 13-A, House No , Dwelling house 243, Family no 262, Lines 33, 34 et 35) (C. Fortier)

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