Retourner à la fiche de: Firmin Babin
Exiled in Port Tobacco, MD on 7 Jul 1763 with family. Listed among Natchez, Natchitoches Parish, LA settlers as 21-yr old with widowed mother & siblings. In 1 Aug 1770 is 23-yr old wed to Bibienne Braud & w/ 6 mo. old son in Ascension Parish. Apr 23 1777 living on left bank of Mississippi w/ Bibienne, 3 sons, and 1 dtr.
Sources: "Acadian Exiles in the Colonies" by Janet Jehn; "Acadian Exiles in the American Colonies 1755-1767" by Rieder; and "Some Late Eighteenth-Century Louisianans: Census Records of the Colony, 1758-1796" by Jacqueline Voorhies.